Monday 1 June 2015

WWE Elimination Chamber 2015: Kevin Owens shocks fans with stunning debut victory over John Cena

Republished from Mirror

The NXT Champion gained a career-defining win against the 15-time world champion at WWE’s Elimination Chamber event last night.

Kevin Owens gained a shock win over John Cena at WWE's Elimination Chamber event

Kevin Owens shocked the wrestling world with a stunning debut victory over John Cena at WWE Elimination Chamber.
The NXT Champion had twice got the better of Cena - the unofficial face of WWE for the past decade – on Raw.
But few expected the darling of the independent scene to pin the 15-time world champion in his first full roster match.
Neither his belt nor Cena’s WWE United States Championship was on the line, but this played out like a main event title bout with big move after big move and seemingly endless nearfalls.
The Canadian portrays a vicious, relentless villain and clawed and scratched his way into the running early on.
He evaded Cena’s AA, nailed a DDT and when brawling back and forth, landed his patented Go Home Driver.
He then launched his considerable frame at the polarising Cena with a great cannonball attack for a two-count.
Cena leapt over the 31-year-old’s pop-up powerbomb, retaliating with his five-knuckle shuffle and again going for the AA, only to this time take the powerbomb and kick out at two.
A beautiful sequence saw Owens display his agility with a two-step turnaround moonsault, but Cena dodged the attack and landed the AA, with his rival now kicking out of the pin.
They slugged away and Owens landed a sweet superkick, but briefly took his eyes off the ball as he mocked Cena and was caught in an STF submission.
He powered out and gave Cena an AA of his own, which the 38-year-old also kicked out of on two.

Kevin Owens taunts John Cena at WWE's Elimination Chamber event

This soon became a familiar theme – both men repeatedly raising a shoulder from the mat just in time to avoid defeat.
Owens sent fans wild by teasing his package piledriver (a move banned in WWE) only to slam his opponent instead, and Cena unleashed a surprisingly impressive springboard stunner.
The match got even crazier on the top turnbuckle as Owen reversed a superplex attempt into an amazing super inverted netbreaker and then landed a senton bomb.
Cena looked to be gaining the upperhand at the end with two huge clotheslines that nearly took Owens’ head off.
But as he bounced off the ropes the debutant hit a sudden pop-up powerbomb for a pinfall win that caused the jaws of everyone in the arena to hit the floor.
As the thousands in attendance went wild and millions across the globe took to Twitter in a frenzy of disbelief, Owens cut a potentially career-defining promo.

He took to the mic and declared that “everyone now knows who Kevin Owens is” before mocking Cena’s veteran status and hijacking his catchphrase: “The champ is here.”
It was one of the biggest upsets in WWE history and a moment that gave fans goosebumps - paving the way for a rematch between the pair at the Money in the Bank pay-per-view in a fortnight’s time.
Full review to follow.

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