Monday 22 September 2014

Night of champions Results!

This is a re-published article from Bleacher Report


The pre-show for this event was an edition of the Peep Show with the guest star of Chris Jericho.

Absolutely nothing was accomplished in this segment, which came off more like something that would appear as filler on an episode of Raw rather than something worthy of being on a pay-per-view.

If the philosophy behind the kickoff before each event is to do something that the WWE Network subscribers are privy to, wouldn't it make sense to do something that would entice fans to pay for a subscription?

How was this supposed to accomplish that?

Quite literally, this was a promo where Orton said he would beat Jericho, who then retorted that he would beat Orton—nothing more.

Did someone make their debut? Did a stipulation get added to the match for later on? Was there any kind of advancement to the storyline of Orton and Jericho's feud?'

None of those things happened, nor did anyone even attack anyone else!

This was a complete dud and a worthless waste of time that accomplished nothing more than what would have happened if WWE had simply re-run a video package once again in the pre-show—as if WWE programming needed any more recaps.

Highlight: Dean Ambrose Returns


After Roman Reigns was pulled from the card, it was necessary that Dean Ambrose would return to give Seth Rollins someone to interact with.

Thankfully, that indeed came true, leading to one of the better segments of the night despite how simple it would be.

This was just a brawl rather than a match, even though Rollins had issued an open challenge to anyone in the locker room.

Still, watching these two fight around the ring is something that fans have been eating up for months, so it was still just as entertaining as it has been in the past.

Ambrose's return brought some much needed energy back into an event that had started off lukewarm and hadn't yet gained any real heat.

Low Point: Mark Henry vs. Rusev

Tell the truth in the comments below, did you honestly expect that Rusev would lose this match?

If you did, was this really a match that makes you think that much more of Rusev, beating someone like Mark Henry who wasn't going into this with some undefeated streak or anything impressive in quite some time?

If you didn't expect Rusev to lose, then there's even less of a reason to have been entertained by this, as you knew what the outcome was going to be.

The in-ring performance between these two did nothing to make up for that predictable outcome.

WWE has been stuck on cruise control for weeks now and nothing illustrates that point better than the way Rusev has been booked.

There has been nothing different from Rusev's matches or his feuds for far too long and this is yet another example of why nobody should care to see who Rusev defeats at Hell in a Cell.

Highlight: Paige vs. AJ Lee vs. Nikki Bella

Divas matches usually draw the ire of fans as they don't have the best record for performance value.

However, this ended up being one of the better matches of the night with a legitimate surprise of an ending on top of it.

Since Nikki Bella was the driving force behind this match, it would have been an easy choice to assume that she would win the title.

The same ease could be attributed to guessing that Paige would retain, as she had just won her title back relatively recently.

After a well-paced match with some nice spots and a healthy back and forth of competition, it was AJ Lee who left with the championship—and not with a roll-up, either.

Critics of Nikki that expected her to drag this match down will have to eat their words a bit just the same as those who doubted the Divas division in general and weren't willing to give them a shot here.

Highlight: Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena

Even if all of the other matches on the card didn't deliver and had an unimpressive build to them, this main event delivered in many different ways.

John Cena was meant to look like a worthy contender instead of simply getting destroyed again, which brought a different dynamic to the match and avoided making it a repeat.

To his credit, Lesnar didn't come off as a weakling to make up for that, either, and proved that he's got more in his tank than one match every couple of months.

Fair is fair and fans could criticize the ending for seeming too much like an episode of Raw with the cash-in tease and disqualification, but the match itself leading up to that ending was quite enjoyable.

What parts did you enjoy the most out of the show? Which parts made you want to stop watching because of how bad they were?

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