Sunday 21 September 2014

Possible Outcomes at Night of Champions

1) Sheamus vs Cesaro : Possibly Sheamus, as Sheamus is more loved & valued than Cesaro & he hasn't been in a really big feud for long. Thus giving him a limelight at this time wouldn't be good.

2) Dolph vs Miz : After handing over the title to the show off after a long time, the WWE wouldn't want to take it back from him, so the ball is in Dolph's court completely. Unless there is a big change in the creative line, we can be rest assured that the show off is winning.

3) Mark vs Rusev: As delusional as it might look, the cards are stacked against Mark at the moment, because the WWE would want to build a good platform for Kurt's return. Once Mark looses, Rusev would like to boast about it, until Kurt stops the Russian guy for good.

4) The Usos vs Dusts : There is no chance of the Dusts to win because the Usos are giving more buzz than the Dusts.

5) Jericho vs Orton:  As noted earlier, Jericho may part ways from WWE post NOC, so probably they would want the VIPER to win, as it would be difficult to shift focus to normal post Y2J's win.

6) Paige vs AJ vs Nikki:  Possibly AJ, coz we may see Brie mode coming into action against Nikki, thus making it a 1 on 1 competition & finally AJ winning the title. It has also been long & WWE would want to see a change. Don't worry if you hear CM Punk chants everytime AJ comes to the ring.

7) Brock vs Cena: This will be a showdown. Possibly Cena will Loose.

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