Tuesday 20 October 2015

Is Corporate Kane about to Perish?

(Image Credit: WWE.COM)
Written by Amit Shukla

We all found out on Raw Monday Night that Corporate Kane has been suspended... Incase, you still don't know it, read: http://www.wwe.com/shows/raw/2015-10-19/corporate-kane-suspended-28082216

The question that comes to mind is that was Kane suspended because of his actions last week where he found a suitable replacement in his match against Seth Rollins as Demon Kane, which we all in the WWE UNIVERSE know was he but as a demon or was it just done to hype up the match at Hell In A Cell.

I am sure that they would have Corporate Kane back on Smackdown & the duo of Seth & Kane will try to fume their rivalry to give it a boost for the HIAC PPV.

Let's see how the story transcends.

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