Friday, 31 October 2014
Thursday, 30 October 2014
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
Monday, 27 October 2014
Sunday, 26 October 2014
Rumor On TNA's Next Announcement, TNA On Lashley's MMA Win & Title Defense, Brooke & Robbie
Re-published from wrestlinginc
- TNA is trying to tie-in Bobby Lashley's Bellator MMA win from Friday night with his TNA World Heavyweight Title defense this coming Wednesday night against Bobby Roode. The match was taped several weeks back. They wrote the following on their website:
- TNA is trying to tie-in Bobby Lashley's Bellator MMA win from Friday night with his TNA World Heavyweight Title defense this coming Wednesday night against Bobby Roode. The match was taped several weeks back. They wrote the following on their website:
"Now, Lashley turns his focus to Wednesday night and Bobby Roode. The TNA World Heavyweight Champion will face Roode in the main event, with special guest referee Kurt Angle, and TNA's most respected prize is on the line! A major question we have is: how quickly can Lashley's body recover from his rigorous training and fight at Bellator 130? Fighting at the highest level of two worlds is tough - fighting in Bellator on Friday and defending your TNA World Title on Wednesday? That's completely unheard of!"
- Brooke Tessmacher and boyfriend Robbie E lasted another episode of CBS' The Amazing Race on Friday night, finishing fifth out of eight teams. They advance to next Friday's show.
- It was reported last week that some in TNA had been told to expect an announcement within 10 days, likely on a new TV deal, but there's a rumor now that TNA will be making an announcement before the first week of November is over.
Saturday, 25 October 2014
Friday, 24 October 2014
Thursday, 23 October 2014
John Cena May Hit PPV Milestone, Competition For WWE HIAC, WWE Sale, Batista - Gina Carano Photo
Re-published from wrestinginc
If John Cena vs. Randy Orton is the main event for this Sunday's WWE Hell In A Cell pay-per-view, it will mark the 100th time that Cena has main-evented a pay-per-view, according to The Internet Wrestling Database. Cena already holds the record for the most PPV main events, followed byTriple H (95), The Undertaker (86), Randy Orton (76) and Sting (74).
If John Cena vs. Randy Orton is the main event for this Sunday's WWE Hell In A Cell pay-per-view, it will mark the 100th time that Cena has main-evented a pay-per-view, according to The Internet Wrestling Database. Cena already holds the record for the most PPV main events, followed byTriple H (95), The Undertaker (86), Randy Orton (76) and Sting (74).
- WWE Hell In A Cell will be facing some tough competition this Sunday night. In addition to the Sunday Night Football game between the Green Bay Packers and the New Orleans Saints on NBC, the pay-per-view will also be up against Game 5 of the World Series between the Kansas City Royals and the San Francisco Giants on FOX.
- For today only, you can buy one t-shirt and get a second one for 50% offwith code TSHIRT50 at by clicking here.
- MMA Superstar Gina Carano posted the photo below on her Facebookpage on the set of Bus 657 with her co-star, Dave Batista:
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
Randy Orton Is Not Ready for a Face Turn in WWE
Re-Published from Bleacher Report


Randy Orton is The Viper, one of WWE's top heels and a featured star in the company. He is currently headed for a showdown with longtime rival John Cena at the Hell in a Cell event on Sunday, October 26. Considering their long history together in the ring, the match should be a good one.
However, some fans are not really focusing on this match that much. For many of Orton's supporters, the time is long overdue for him to turn babyface once again, but the problem is that he is just not ready for that.
It seems like an easy proposition, one that should readily happen anytime the company wants to do it. After all, guys switch sides all the time, which is not only a fact of life in WWE but in professional wrestling as a whole.
Turns can reinvent characters, updating them for the crowd and making them fresh for a new day. This opens up possibilities for newstorylines and different perspectives while hopefully keeping the talent in question relevant with the current product.
That is what many fans want to see with Orton.
Orton cashes in at SummerSlam
The Viper's heel turn went into full effect at SummerSlam in 2013 when he cashed in his Money in the Bank briefcase on Daniel Bryan. Bryan had just defeated Cena and was in the midst of celebrating when Triple H shocked the world by delivering the Pedigree, opening the door for Orton to get the win. The moment gave Orton a tremendous amount of heat, which continued throughout the next 12 months.
The irony is that Orton's heel turn was a much-anticipated moment for fans who had been clamoring for him to switch sides. Many of them likely felt at the time that The Apex Predator had grown stale and needed a serious shot in the arm to get back on track once again.
Evidently, a smiling, happy Viper was not the character the WWEfaithful wanted to see.
But the times have changed, and the desire to realize Orton's possible future as a babyface has come into play. The need to keep him as a top heel, to hate and loathe him as the premier antagonist, has apparently come and gone. Many fans are now ready for a change.
Maybe WWE is as well.
Brock Lesnar
The biggest reason for that is the somewhat abysmal state of thebabyface main event roster currently in the company. Bryan is still on the shelf with an injury, Roman Reigns is out for the same reason and CM Punk has not been seen in a WWE ring since leaving in January. Add to that the fact that Chris Jericho is gone once again, and the roster's upper crust has practically crumbled all around WWE.
The champ is nonexistent at this point, as Brock Lesnar is just not on TV and evidently not much of a priority for WWE right now. His return likely hinges on the amount of viable competition he has for the title, and other than Cena there does not seem to be many names who fit that description.
But that is where Orton comes in. The Viper has a prime opportunity to reach the top spot once again. A win at Hell in a Cell gets him a shot at Lesnar's WWE World Heavyweight Championship. That is where a face turn comes in—Orton remaining a heel while pursuing such a vicious heel like Lesnar seems like a losing proposition for everyone.
Fans want to see Lesnar get his. They may appreciate him and respect his ability in the ring, but the more time that goes by, the more the desire grows to see him lose that championship. They would likely want nothing more than to see a full-time Superstar get the belt back, to keep it in-house instead of off the radar.
But Orton may not be the guy to do that right now. The truth is that when a talent makes the turn, there are often telltale signs he is going to. Those signs may include a string of promos or several consecutive events in which he appears to be changing his attitude. It could even be just one promo, one particular event that plants the seed for change.
No matter what scenario is considered, the fact is that none of them have happened with Orton. His character is just not ready to move.
As recently as October 20, Orton was in full heel mode. It was on that edition of Raw that Orton was working in full cooperation with The Authority and showed no signs of being unhappy with them. Indeed, his biggest problem has been Seth Rollins, but the heat between them has been more of a competitive nature than a vindictive one.
Is that enough of a reason for him to turn face once again? Barring an unforeseen rift between him and Triple H, the truth is that Orton's character really has no reason to go anywhere else. He surely wants to be the top guy, but at this rate he would do so as a heel, which makes little sense versus Lesnar.
The fact is that many fans do not want to see Cena get the nod to face The Beast Incarnate once again. That means Orton is the next-best choice, so if he goes over at Hell in a Cell, then the wheels should start turning pretty fast on his program with Lesnar.
But if he is to be successful in that role and fully get over, then he must turn babyface first. He cannot go into that match without the transition having taken place. He needs the full support of the fans as the primary protagonist against Lesnar. That will cause more fans to care; it will surely cause more fans to want Orton to win.
Lesnar needs a top face, a very strong hero to play off. Cena was that hero. The Undertaker was that hero. Punk was that hero. Orton must be that hero as well, and the time to make the change is now.
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
WWE in Danger of Making Dean Ambrose's Character Too Silly
Re-Published from Bleacher Report
WWE has to avoid pushing red-hot star Dean Ambrose into Bugs Bunny territory.
The company has to maintain his current balance of crazy andcartoonish, not lean more toward the latter. The last thing WWEwants is to turn one of its most compelling babyfaces into a joke.
During Ambrose's recent time in the spotlight, he's been presented as both a dangerous, unstable anti-hero and a goofball. It's the moments in which WWE has The Lunatic Fringe dip into the world of visual gags that should have his fans nervous going forward.
On Monday's Raw, Ambrose entertained the fans in Kansas City, Missouri, by abusing a Seth Rollins dummy in the ring.
Puns poured out of him as he attacked the doll with tongs, a saw and a drill. It was a scene meant to show Ambrose's nuttiness and seething hatred for Rollins. Ambrose made the odd moment work.
Still, there was a lot of cheap humor here, the kind of wordplay that is usually Jerry Lawler's contribution to the program.
This isn't the direction WWE should be pressing toward. Ambrose may dip into silliness, but too much of this has him slide toward comedic-character status.
Earlier this month, Ambrose inspired more chuckling when he commandeered a hot dog cart and played the condiment gunslinger asRandy Orton and Kane approached him.
Squirting ketchup and mustard into his foes' faces was fun but not exactly the work of a dark anti-hero. It was too much like John Cenacovering Michael Cole in barbecue sauce and not enough like Steve Austin blowing up the DX Express.
Cena's act was childish; Austin's was an act of destructive rebellion.
It makes more sense to have Ambrose be more dangerous than funny. The Lunatic Fringe can be as defiant as Austin and as unpredictable as Roddy Piper. Achieving that going forward will require WWE to pass on sillier narrative options.
Having him fill a ring with steel chairs a la Daniel Bryan fits his character more than setting up a green spray as a booby trap.
Have him be the nut willing to leap from any height in order to hurt his enemy. Have him brawl with Rollins in the parking lot. Just never have him dump feces on anyone.
That's partly what has hurt Sheamus. He's been too much of a jokesteras a face. Having him pass gas in Alberto Del Rio's car or star in 1-800-Fella spots are exactly the kind of things WWE needs to avoid with Ambrose.
In his pre-WWE career, Ambrose evoked comparisons to Heath Ledger's Joker. He was a snarling predator, a self-proclaimed "sick guy" and a wound-up maniac looking to punch someone. This is where Ambrose is at his best.
He's unique, compelling, edgy.
Those traits become less true the more pranks he pulls and the more he becomes associated with using food as weapons. WWE has two distinct paths it can take with its next potential megastar.
One road has him making flatulence jokes; the other has him being theass-kicker he was born to be.
Monday, 20 October 2014
WWE Hall Of Famer Returns To RAW, Note On The US Soldier Who Rusev Attacked, Superstars
Re-published from wrestlinginc
Mick Foley made his return to WWE TV on tonight's RAW, in a segment with Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose. Foley talked about Hell In a Cell and warned them both what can happen. No word yet on what led to Foley's return but we know that he still had not signed a new Legends deal with WWE as of this past May.
Mick Foley made his return to WWE TV on tonight's RAW, in a segment with Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose. Foley talked about Hell In a Cell and warned them both what can happen. No word yet on what led to Foley's return but we know that he still had not signed a new Legends deal with WWE as of this past May.
- Several readers sent word that the US soldier who was kicked by Rusevon tonight's RAW was not wearing a proper Army uniform. Reader Timothy Wrenn noted that the American flag was on the wrong sleeve, among other inconsistencies.
- WWE taped the following matches tonight in Kansas City for this week's Superstars:
* Jack Swagger vs. Bo Dallas
* Tyson Kidd vs. Kofi Kingston
Sunday, 19 October 2014
Hulk Hogan on WWE Raw
Re-published from wrestelzone
Hulk Hogan on WWE Raw
The official website for the Sprint Center is now advertising Hogan, saying “Hulk Hogan returns to Kansas City for the first time in over a decade.”
WWE Lies About Sin Cara is reporting that WWE is lying about Sin Cara.
Friday in Mexico City was a media interview with WWE Superstar Sin Cara. WWE claimed that the masked wrestler was the original Sin Cara.
This is incorrect because former star Hunico is playing Cara. Luis Urive, who was the original Sin Cara, last wrestled for WWE on October 19, 2013.
Diva Added To NXT Roster
Carmella, who made her in-ring debut on NXT this past Thursday, has been officially added to the NXT roster page on WWE’s website.
Carmella will be involved with Enzo Amore and Big Cass in NXT while becoming a Diva.
Saturday, 18 October 2014
Mick Foley On Quitting WWE After Montreal Screwjob, The Undertaker Featured On The Latest WWE Warehouse
Re-published from Wrestlezone
WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foleyrecently talked to the Seaway Newsin anticipation of his speaking performance in Cornwall, Ontario, next week.
Foley talked about what his show is like, his WWE history including quitting WWE after the Montreal Screwjob, if he gets heckled, and more. You can read a few excerpts below:
Foley on expectations for his shows:
“I don’t want people to think it’s a comedy,” said Foley in a telephone interview with Seaway News. “It’s not joke-telling. It’s a wrestling-centered storytelling show that is based primarily in humour, but doesn’t have to be funny. It’s like taking fans on the same kind of emotional journey that a wrestling match would.”
Mick Foley On Quitting WWE:
“This will be my first return to Cornwall since ’97 when I quit WWE over the Montreal Screwjob with Bret Hart,” he said in an interview with “There was a Monday Night Raw that I missed following that pay-per-view out of protest. Then when my wife read my contract to me over the phone and I realized I’d just breached my contract and couldn’t work anywhere in the world for five years, I did return in Cornwall. I try to take every city where I’ve had history and incorporate it into the show.”
WWE Warehouse
The latest episode of WWE Warehouse is now available on the WWE YouTube channel. Episode 7 takes a look some Undertaker artifacts, including some Buried Alive match tombstones and the Undertaker’s steel symbol. WWE Warehouse airs on weekly, followed by a delayed ‘premiere’ on YouTube on Fridays. You can watch the clip in the player below:
Friday, 17 October 2014
Chris Jericho won't return to WWE for Fandango feuds in the future
Re-published from cagesideseats
Chris Jericho was a guest on the Cheap Heat show this week and while talking about returning to WWE in the future, he made it clear that we won't be seeing him return for nothing feuds like the one he engaged in with Fandango leading into a match between the two at WrestleMania 29 in New Jersey.
"It's not a bad thing and I'm not saying this in a bad way but I don't want another Fandango situation, which I enjoyed when I was doing it but, in retrospect, it wasn't really -- and it's hard to say this with lack of ego, but whatever -- Chris Jericho worthy thing, something that means something that's going to make money. I've made money for the company for years, I plan to continue to do that. If it's just a sidetrack kind of ancillary thing, I'm not really interested in that."
Jericho's return at Royal Rumble last year was incredibly well received but his feud and eventual match with Fandango, while certainly entertaining, wasn't all that memorable. Fandango was on his way to getting over, rolling "Y2J" up and beating him at WrestleMania 29, but Jericho won the rematch at Extreme Rules and the Fandangoing craze died out rather quickly when WWE decided to push it down fan's throats.
If you'll remember, Jericho had to be talked into the idea by Vince McMahon, who did one of his classic sell jobs propping up a program as something it was never going to be.
From the sounds of it, we don't have to worry about that happening again.
Chris Jericho was a guest on the Cheap Heat show this week and while talking about returning to WWE in the future, he made it clear that we won't be seeing him return for nothing feuds like the one he engaged in with Fandango leading into a match between the two at WrestleMania 29 in New Jersey.
"It's not a bad thing and I'm not saying this in a bad way but I don't want another Fandango situation, which I enjoyed when I was doing it but, in retrospect, it wasn't really -- and it's hard to say this with lack of ego, but whatever -- Chris Jericho worthy thing, something that means something that's going to make money. I've made money for the company for years, I plan to continue to do that. If it's just a sidetrack kind of ancillary thing, I'm not really interested in that."
Jericho's return at Royal Rumble last year was incredibly well received but his feud and eventual match with Fandango, while certainly entertaining, wasn't all that memorable. Fandango was on his way to getting over, rolling "Y2J" up and beating him at WrestleMania 29, but Jericho won the rematch at Extreme Rules and the Fandangoing craze died out rather quickly when WWE decided to push it down fan's throats.
If you'll remember, Jericho had to be talked into the idea by Vince McMahon, who did one of his classic sell jobs propping up a program as something it was never going to be.
From the sounds of it, we don't have to worry about that happening again.
Thursday, 16 October 2014
WWE Announces Limited Video Ads Will Shown On The WWE Network
Re-published from Design&Trend
The logo for the WWE Network is displayed on a screen after it was announced during a news conference at the 2014 International CES at the Encore Theater at Wynn Las Vegas on January 8, 2014 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
The Sporting News reported on Monday that the WWE will start implementing limited advertising on it's streaming service WWE Network. In an email sent to subscribers on Monday, WWE revealed that limited video ads would start running and explained what they can expect.
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The email stated that there would be "no commercial breaks during scheduled programming" and that there would be limited advertising between shows on the live stream. In addition, there will be advertising before VOD every now and then, according to WWE.
The streaming service launched in 170 countries in August after six exclusive months in the United States and is expected to hit the United Kingdom sometime in November.
The network, which currently has 700,000 subscribers, launched in territories like Australia, Canada, Latin America, Mexico, New Zealand, the Nordic countries, Russia, Singapore and Spain, according to Variety.
When WWE originally launched the network in February many fans experienced technical difficulties with the new online network, according to Newsday.
The network became available on Feb. 24 but there was too much demand and its systems were overloaded quickly according to a statement from WWE's communications department.
"Major League Baseball Advanced Media (MLBAM), WWE's technology partner, was overwhelmed and their systems have been unable to process most orders since 9 a.m. due to demand for WWE Network," the statement said. "MLBAM has been working aggressively to resolve this issue."
The company later had to put up a message for fans to have a patient attitude with the new network.
"Please be patient if you're ordering WWE Network as we're experiencing extremely high demand. Your order will be processed as soon as possible."
Newsday also reported at the time that the network was a big investment in the company's future. In addition, the company announced a fourth-quarter operating loss of $12.2 million because of the investments in the network launch so they need the channel to be successful.
(Photo : Getty Images/Ethan Miller)
The logo for the WWE Network is displayed on a screen after it was announced during a news conference at the 2014 International CES at the Encore Theater at Wynn Las Vegas on January 8, 2014 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
The Sporting News reported on Monday that the WWE will start implementing limited advertising on it's streaming service WWE Network. In an email sent to subscribers on Monday, WWE revealed that limited video ads would start running and explained what they can expect.
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The email stated that there would be "no commercial breaks during scheduled programming" and that there would be limited advertising between shows on the live stream. In addition, there will be advertising before VOD every now and then, according to WWE.
The streaming service launched in 170 countries in August after six exclusive months in the United States and is expected to hit the United Kingdom sometime in November.
The network, which currently has 700,000 subscribers, launched in territories like Australia, Canada, Latin America, Mexico, New Zealand, the Nordic countries, Russia, Singapore and Spain, according to Variety.
When WWE originally launched the network in February many fans experienced technical difficulties with the new online network, according to Newsday.
The network became available on Feb. 24 but there was too much demand and its systems were overloaded quickly according to a statement from WWE's communications department.
"Major League Baseball Advanced Media (MLBAM), WWE's technology partner, was overwhelmed and their systems have been unable to process most orders since 9 a.m. due to demand for WWE Network," the statement said. "MLBAM has been working aggressively to resolve this issue."
The company later had to put up a message for fans to have a patient attitude with the new network.
"Please be patient if you're ordering WWE Network as we're experiencing extremely high demand. Your order will be processed as soon as possible."
Newsday also reported at the time that the network was a big investment in the company's future. In addition, the company announced a fourth-quarter operating loss of $12.2 million because of the investments in the network launch so they need the channel to be successful.
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
Justin Roberts spotted yelling & flipping off Michael Cole at Monday's RAW
Re-published from sportskeeda
According to some fans who were at the Philips Arena last night, Roberts was seen yelling at Michael Cole during the Ziggler vs. Orton match and flipped him off. It's doubtful this impacted WWE's decision to part ways with Roberts since it was announced that they had elected to not renew his contract, but it's quite interesting to note.
However it could’ve been possible that Roberts was in a bad mood knowing he's being let go from his dream job. Also, Roberts and Cole did not appear to be on good terms. Every now and then, Cole would make snide remarks on commentary over Roberts' performance and Roberts perhaps decided to take a parting shot on his last night.
Tuesday, 14 October 2014
Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins' Feud Will Improve Without John Cena
Re-published from Bleacher Report
Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins don't need John Cena. Their rivalry is plenty explosive enough.
After weeks of WWE cramming Cena, Randy Orton and a host of moving parts into what was previously an effective story of betrayal and revenge, it looks as if the two principal rivals are going to get some space. Monday's Raw pointed to the company wising up and pushing Cena into the background of this feud.
Cena will still be on the periphery of Rollins vs. Ambrose and apparently will team up with the unhinged fan favorite again. As noted by Rob McCarron of F4WOnline, WWE announced after Raw that Cena and Ambrose will take on Orton, Kane and Rollins in a Street Fight on next week's show.
Still, the company is moving in the right direction here. The less Cena is intertwined in this feud so that former brothers-in-arms can battle at Hell in a Cell, the better.
That pay-per-view was supposed to feature Ambrose fighting Cena for the right to face Rollins. WWE delivered that present early.
In a No Holds Barred Contract on a Pole match on Monday's Raw, The Lunatic Fringe outlasted his opponent, emerging victorious from a mess of distractions and interference.
Cena now slides over to a bout with Orton. Ambrose gets Rollins, their narrative becoming simpler without its third wheel.
After Raw, Mr. Hustle, Loyalty and Respect congratulated Ambrose, wishing him luck in The Devil's Playground and saying that one day they would be fighting for a championship. That felt like a strong signal that WWE is putting the Cena-Ambrose tension on hold.
There's a money-making feud to be had there, but now is not the time to do it. It's wiser to wrap up the narrative that has been building since Rollins first double-crossed The Shield.
So often, the best wrestling stories are the simplest ones.
The clash between Bret and Owen Hart was about jealousy and sibling rivalry. Ricky Steamboat's feud with Randy Savage was centered around revenge for a violent act. Steve Austin vs. Vince McMahon was about a tyrant and a rebel battling.
Ambrose vs. Rollins worked so well because it followed this tradition. A vengeful hero sought payback after the villain abandoned him and later stomped his face against a stack of cinder blocks. Having Cena inserted into it muddled that story.
Cena's reasons for wanting to take out Rollins weren't nearly as compelling as Ambrose's. Losing out on a championship match doesn't measure up to having one's career nearly ended.
Now that Ambrose has his coveted contract in hand, Hell in a Cell gets the match it should have had in the first place.
Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins don't need John Cena. Their rivalry is plenty explosive enough.
After weeks of WWE cramming Cena, Randy Orton and a host of moving parts into what was previously an effective story of betrayal and revenge, it looks as if the two principal rivals are going to get some space. Monday's Raw pointed to the company wising up and pushing Cena into the background of this feud.
Cena will still be on the periphery of Rollins vs. Ambrose and apparently will team up with the unhinged fan favorite again. As noted by Rob McCarron of F4WOnline, WWE announced after Raw that Cena and Ambrose will take on Orton, Kane and Rollins in a Street Fight on next week's show.
Still, the company is moving in the right direction here. The less Cena is intertwined in this feud so that former brothers-in-arms can battle at Hell in a Cell, the better.
That pay-per-view was supposed to feature Ambrose fighting Cena for the right to face Rollins. WWE delivered that present early.
In a No Holds Barred Contract on a Pole match on Monday's Raw, The Lunatic Fringe outlasted his opponent, emerging victorious from a mess of distractions and interference.
Cena now slides over to a bout with Orton. Ambrose gets Rollins, their narrative becoming simpler without its third wheel.
After Raw, Mr. Hustle, Loyalty and Respect congratulated Ambrose, wishing him luck in The Devil's Playground and saying that one day they would be fighting for a championship. That felt like a strong signal that WWE is putting the Cena-Ambrose tension on hold.
There's a money-making feud to be had there, but now is not the time to do it. It's wiser to wrap up the narrative that has been building since Rollins first double-crossed The Shield.
So often, the best wrestling stories are the simplest ones.
The clash between Bret and Owen Hart was about jealousy and sibling rivalry. Ricky Steamboat's feud with Randy Savage was centered around revenge for a violent act. Steve Austin vs. Vince McMahon was about a tyrant and a rebel battling.
Ambrose vs. Rollins worked so well because it followed this tradition. A vengeful hero sought payback after the villain abandoned him and later stomped his face against a stack of cinder blocks. Having Cena inserted into it muddled that story.
Cena's reasons for wanting to take out Rollins weren't nearly as compelling as Ambrose's. Losing out on a championship match doesn't measure up to having one's career nearly ended.
Now that Ambrose has his coveted contract in hand, Hell in a Cell gets the match it should have had in the first place.
Monday, 13 October 2014
Why WrestleMania Needs Triple H vs. The Rock
Re-published from scifighting
Now there’s talk that the real main event of next year’s WrestleMania will be Triple H vs. The Rock.
How great would that be? That’s like seeing Hulk Hogan vs. Randy “Macho Man” Savage one-on-one. (Triple H is Savage).
With the loss of CM Punk and Daniel Bryan, the WWE seems a little lost in its booking right now. There’s talk of Roman Reigns challenging Brock Lesnar for the WWE championship. There’s speculation that Sting would go to the WWE and wrestle The Undertaker. There’s even rumors that Stone Cold Steve Austin will come out of retirement to wrestle John Cena.
They have earned the right to return to the ring when they want to, as long as they are not taking the spot of some other guy on top and insisting on winning the WWE title.
It’s too bad that The Rock and Triple H no longer choose to be full-time wrestlers. They are as good as anyone on the current roster and no doubt wrestling could use an infusion of some 1990s psychology and energy to fuel the product.
Now there’s talk that the real main event of next year’s WrestleMania will be Triple H vs. The Rock.
How great would that be? That’s like seeing Hulk Hogan vs. Randy “Macho Man” Savage one-on-one. (Triple H is Savage).
With the loss of CM Punk and Daniel Bryan, the WWE seems a little lost in its booking right now. There’s talk of Roman Reigns challenging Brock Lesnar for the WWE championship. There’s speculation that Sting would go to the WWE and wrestle The Undertaker. There’s even rumors that Stone Cold Steve Austin will come out of retirement to wrestle John Cena.
Triple H vs. The Rock is exactly the old school kind of match that would sell the card. The two have feuded in several forms over the years. Triple H got his first big push as a member of Degeneration X, feuding with The Rock and the Nation of Domination.
Their feud led to a classic ladder match at SummerSlam that put The Rock on the map. Triple was a great worker back then before he tore his quad muscle and lost about two seconds in his timing. The Rock was a good athlete and Triple H carried him to his best match ever up until that time.
The Rock went on to become the biggest pro wrestling star of his generation. Triple H went on to become the most powerful pro wrestler of his generation, eventually going on to marry Vince McMahon’s daughter, Stephanie.
These two wrestlers would blow the roof of the proverbial Skydome at Wrestlemania. If these part-time legends like The Rock want to return for more matches they should be booked in gimmick style matches against other legends.
It’s too bad that The Rock and Triple H no longer choose to be full-time wrestlers. They are as good as anyone on the current roster and no doubt wrestling could use an infusion of some 1990s psychology and energy to fuel the product.
Sunday, 12 October 2014
Dean Ambrose launches verbal attack on John Cena and Attitude Era
Re-published from givemesport
In his short time in WWE, Dean Ambrose has already become known as one of the most outspoken superstars on the roster.
But, this week the former Shield member spoke to the Pittsburgh Tribune Review about John Cena and his thoughts on the Attitude Era.
Ambrose opened the interview talking about Cena, and how predictable some wrestlers in the industry have become.
"There's a lot of guys in WWE, you would know who they are, you know you're going to see the same thing every single match. You know you're going to hear the same thing every time they pick up a microphone," he said.
"You know John Cena is never going to get mad at you no matter what you do. You could steal his dog or set his house on fire and he's not going to get all that mad at you. He's going to come out and do the same thing he always does. Me, I'm not like that. I get pretty upset pretty quickly.
"I don't like having an entrance or anything like that too set in stone. A lot of guys come out and have the exact little dance or exact little thing that goes off at the right time with the pyro. What if I'm not in the mood to do my little dance this week?"
Entrances and promos weren't the only thing Ambrose talked about, and he spoke about The Attitude Era being thought of as the greatest era in WWE history. Not in the mind of this wrestler, though.
"A lot of people talk about the attitude era being so great but a lot of it was terrible crap, sex jokes and over-the-top terrible bad comedy. It was Jerry Springer-like. They made a joke about a woman's breasts. Hilarious, but where's the wrestling? I look back on a lot of stuff now, and I'm like where's the wrestling? It's just a lot of crappy jokes," he added.
Ambrose is a current main-eventer in WWE and he's about to go one-on-one with 15-time World Champion John Cena at Hell in a Cell - but the former United States Champion talked about who his dream match would be against.
"If our eras had crossed, we were barely one generation apart, he was at 11:59 and I was at 12:01 - I would have loved to do something with Mick Foley or Cactus Jack or whatever version of him," concluded Ambrose.
"If we would have crossed paths in like 1994, you would have seen one of the most gross, violent, entertaining spectacles that ever was. That's been relegated to the dream match world now.
"A guy like Bret Hart. I watch his work back now as a professional knowing what I'm doing. I watch back the matches I loved as a kid, and he's such a forward thinker. He saw the whole picture in his head kind of storyteller. He's not a wing-it-on-the-fly kind of guy. Even though I'm a wing-it kind of guy, I also really like to see the whole picture in my head a year ahead. Not just the match but the whole storyline a year ahead of time. I have how I'm going to get there, but I have visions in my head and I just see what happens.
"Those two guys, being able to put my mind with their minds and create something if we had crossed paths, I'd like to create with those two guys."
The winner of the Ambrose-Cena clash at Hell in a Cell will have an opportunity to face Seth Rollins as that rivalry continues to come to the boil.
In his short time in WWE, Dean Ambrose has already become known as one of the most outspoken superstars on the roster.
But, this week the former Shield member spoke to the Pittsburgh Tribune Review about John Cena and his thoughts on the Attitude Era.
Ambrose opened the interview talking about Cena, and how predictable some wrestlers in the industry have become.
"There's a lot of guys in WWE, you would know who they are, you know you're going to see the same thing every single match. You know you're going to hear the same thing every time they pick up a microphone," he said.
"You know John Cena is never going to get mad at you no matter what you do. You could steal his dog or set his house on fire and he's not going to get all that mad at you. He's going to come out and do the same thing he always does. Me, I'm not like that. I get pretty upset pretty quickly.
"I don't like having an entrance or anything like that too set in stone. A lot of guys come out and have the exact little dance or exact little thing that goes off at the right time with the pyro. What if I'm not in the mood to do my little dance this week?"
Entrances and promos weren't the only thing Ambrose talked about, and he spoke about The Attitude Era being thought of as the greatest era in WWE history. Not in the mind of this wrestler, though.
"A lot of people talk about the attitude era being so great but a lot of it was terrible crap, sex jokes and over-the-top terrible bad comedy. It was Jerry Springer-like. They made a joke about a woman's breasts. Hilarious, but where's the wrestling? I look back on a lot of stuff now, and I'm like where's the wrestling? It's just a lot of crappy jokes," he added.
Ambrose is a current main-eventer in WWE and he's about to go one-on-one with 15-time World Champion John Cena at Hell in a Cell - but the former United States Champion talked about who his dream match would be against.
"If our eras had crossed, we were barely one generation apart, he was at 11:59 and I was at 12:01 - I would have loved to do something with Mick Foley or Cactus Jack or whatever version of him," concluded Ambrose.
"If we would have crossed paths in like 1994, you would have seen one of the most gross, violent, entertaining spectacles that ever was. That's been relegated to the dream match world now.
"A guy like Bret Hart. I watch his work back now as a professional knowing what I'm doing. I watch back the matches I loved as a kid, and he's such a forward thinker. He saw the whole picture in his head kind of storyteller. He's not a wing-it-on-the-fly kind of guy. Even though I'm a wing-it kind of guy, I also really like to see the whole picture in my head a year ahead. Not just the match but the whole storyline a year ahead of time. I have how I'm going to get there, but I have visions in my head and I just see what happens.
"Those two guys, being able to put my mind with their minds and create something if we had crossed paths, I'd like to create with those two guys."
The winner of the Ambrose-Cena clash at Hell in a Cell will have an opportunity to face Seth Rollins as that rivalry continues to come to the boil.
Saturday, 11 October 2014
Vince McMahon annoyed over Roman Reigns' segment on WWE Raw
Re-published from sportskeeda
WWE chairman Vince McMahon was reportedly upset and annoyed over the Roman Reigns’ interview segment that aired last Monday Night on Raw.
Wrestling Observer noted that the interview was 100 % scripted by the WWE writers. The segment wasn’t received well by the fans online and people within the company were unhappy about it.
COO Triple H asked for a badass babyface character from Reigns that didn’t care about the world in that interview, but many within the WWE stated the fact that Reigns isn’t that kind of a guy.
The reason for the segment coming off as forced was because Reigns was not comfortable playing that role.
It’s also interesting to note that Vince didn’t go out of his way to watch the taped interview before it aired.
WWE chairman Vince McMahon was reportedly upset and annoyed over the Roman Reigns’ interview segment that aired last Monday Night on Raw.
Wrestling Observer noted that the interview was 100 % scripted by the WWE writers. The segment wasn’t received well by the fans online and people within the company were unhappy about it.
COO Triple H asked for a badass babyface character from Reigns that didn’t care about the world in that interview, but many within the WWE stated the fact that Reigns isn’t that kind of a guy.
The reason for the segment coming off as forced was because Reigns was not comfortable playing that role.
It’s also interesting to note that Vince didn’t go out of his way to watch the taped interview before it aired.
Friday, 10 October 2014
Jim Ross: Brock Lesnar faces big decision when WWE contract runs out
Re-published from foxsports
(Credit: Mark J. Rebilas-USA TODAY Sports)
It has been almost three years since Brock Lesnar retired from the UFC, yet his name always seems to pop up every few months. According to someone in the know, that might be happening again soon.
Legendary former WWE play-by-play Jim Ross told FOX Sports that he believes Lesnar's contract with WWE runs out after Wrestlemania 31 in March. If that is the case, the current WWE world heavyweight champion will have a decision to make -- stay with pro wrestling, return to the UFC or head home for good to spend time with his family."Creatively from a strategic standpoint, WWE will need to find out sooner rather than later if Brock is interested in re-signing or not," said Ross, who made a successful MMA debut at the Battlegrounds pay-per-view event in Oklahoma on Friday night, teaming with Chael Sonnen.
As for what Lesnar will decide, Ross doesn't have any inside information. He does believe Lesnar has things extremely good with WWE: a seven-figure contract for what amounts to be a part-time job. However, Ross also sees a very different Lesnar than the one who competed in the UFC, the one who was weakened by diverticulitis.
"It looks to me like he's gotten back on track," Ross said. "He looks phenomenal strength-wise. He's just scary looking. He's more scary looking than he was before he left [WWE the first time]."
Lesnar, 37, retired from MMA with a 5-3 career record after falling by TKO to Alistair Overeem in December 2011. Lesnar made history in the sport, winning the UFC heavyweight title in just his fourth career fight. He lost the belt to Cain Velasquez in October 2010 after his first bout with diverticulitis and then dealt with it again afterward.
"I could identify with that diverticulitis and diverticulosis," said Ross, who had both afflictions himself. "It's not something you heal from very quickly. Your body has to make major adjustments."
Over the summer, Lesnar's close friend and on-air WWE manager Paul Heyman said that he believed that Lesnar was never at full strength during his UFC run -- and if he had been, no one would have beaten him. Lesnar, according to Heyman, still believes he can beat any heavyweight in the UFC today.
If Lesnar ever did decide to come back, of course the UFC would welcome him back with open arms. He remains the organization's biggest pay-per-view draw ever. And Ross believes that ability is still there.
"I see no reason he couldn’t have the potential to return to the UFC and sell pay-per-views," Ross said.
But Ross also believes Lesnar could take the third option: going home to Minnesota to focus on his wife and kids.
"He likes the solitude, he likes the isolation, he likes to be with his family and raise his boys," Ross said. "He's the kind of guy that can say, 'I'm done with all of it.'"
Whichever way Lesnar goes, that decision could be happening relatively soon.
Thursday, 9 October 2014
WWE news: Stone Cold Steve Austin admits he is planning to wrestle again
Re-published from examiner
The WWE rumors have been hinting that Stone Cold Steve Austin will make his return to the ring, possibly for a match at “Wrestlemania 31.” However, as with most WWE rumors, it was taken with a grain of salt until now. Austin has said that if he wanted to return, that he would need months to prepare for his return to the WWE. PWS reported on Sunday that Austin confirmed his intentions to return on “The Steve Austin Show” podcast when he said that he is “trying to get back into shape for a comeback.”
With Austin saying this himself, the WWE rumors now become an exciting fact. Stone Cold Steve Austin will return to the WWE with the intentions of wrestling again. Of course, Austin will never be a regular competitor again, and honestly, he won’t even wrestle like Brock Lesnar. At his age, and with his medical history, this will likely be an Undertaker styled return, with one match at the biggest event of the year.
There were recent WWE rumors that Austin and the WWE had a new agreement with each other based on him talking more about the WWE in his show and the announcers actually talking about his podcast on “WWE Monday Night Raw.” The WWE never even mentioned Chris Jericho’s podcast, even when he had Triple H as a guest, so it seemed like the WWE was planning something with Austin. The WWE also upped the production of Steve Austin merchandise.
Now, the question is who Stone Cold Steve Austin will face in his return to the WWE. There has been a lot of talk about Sting coming into the WWE for one last match, but a match with Austin probably won’t happen because it isn’t really special enough. The two have wrestled before in WCW and that match doesn’t seem right. There is also a chance that Austin could team with Sting and maybe The Undertaker to take on three villains at “Wrestlemania 31” in a huge event match.
Whatever Stone Cold Steve Austin and the WWE have planned won’t be unveiled until 2015 at the earliest. All that is known right now is that Austin said he is working out and is planning on making a comeback. That could make “Wrestlemania 31” one of the most anticipated events of 2015.
The WWE rumors have been hinting that Stone Cold Steve Austin will make his return to the ring, possibly for a match at “Wrestlemania 31.” However, as with most WWE rumors, it was taken with a grain of salt until now. Austin has said that if he wanted to return, that he would need months to prepare for his return to the WWE. PWS reported on Sunday that Austin confirmed his intentions to return on “The Steve Austin Show” podcast when he said that he is “trying to get back into shape for a comeback.”
With Austin saying this himself, the WWE rumors now become an exciting fact. Stone Cold Steve Austin will return to the WWE with the intentions of wrestling again. Of course, Austin will never be a regular competitor again, and honestly, he won’t even wrestle like Brock Lesnar. At his age, and with his medical history, this will likely be an Undertaker styled return, with one match at the biggest event of the year.
There were recent WWE rumors that Austin and the WWE had a new agreement with each other based on him talking more about the WWE in his show and the announcers actually talking about his podcast on “WWE Monday Night Raw.” The WWE never even mentioned Chris Jericho’s podcast, even when he had Triple H as a guest, so it seemed like the WWE was planning something with Austin. The WWE also upped the production of Steve Austin merchandise.
Now, the question is who Stone Cold Steve Austin will face in his return to the WWE. There has been a lot of talk about Sting coming into the WWE for one last match, but a match with Austin probably won’t happen because it isn’t really special enough. The two have wrestled before in WCW and that match doesn’t seem right. There is also a chance that Austin could team with Sting and maybe The Undertaker to take on three villains at “Wrestlemania 31” in a huge event match.
Whatever Stone Cold Steve Austin and the WWE have planned won’t be unveiled until 2015 at the earliest. All that is known right now is that Austin said he is working out and is planning on making a comeback. That could make “Wrestlemania 31” one of the most anticipated events of 2015.
Wednesday, 8 October 2014
The Rock Flirts With Lana And Takes Out Rusev On WWE Monday Night Raw (VIDEO)
Republished from inquisitr
The Rock definitely shook things up for WWE Monday Night Raw – including physically overpowering rising WWE star Rusev.
Wearing his famous “JUST BRING IT” shirt, The Rock was able to trade quite a few words in the center of the ring with Rusev and his lovely lady/promoter Lana.
Before digging into Rusev’s ego, The Rock (also known as actor Dwayne Johnson) was able to spend a few moments honoring Lana’s beauty (after saying that she needs “to stop dressing like a Soviet streetwalker) in a way that only The Rock could – with a crowd-pleasing punchline that was completely unexpected, yet highly appreciated.
“Lana, in person, you’re beautiful. I know, right?! I mean it. You are stunning. You’re gorgeous. Lana, in person, you are (as we say here in America) sssssmoking!”
And the punchline…
“But it’s too bad you’re walking around here like somebody shoved a Smirnoff bottle up your Putin!”
The Rock was also able to please the crowd with such popular catchphrases as “It doesn’t matter” and “Can you smell what the Rock is cookin’?” at different points during his impressive speech in the ring.
Perhaps one of the most crowd-pleasing moments of the entire night was when The Rock (in response to Lana using a Vladimir Putin quote) quoted hip-hop mogul Jay-Z – “Allow me to reintroduce myself.”
After taking a few moments to introduce himself, The Rock then immediately jumped into a brutal surprise attack that quickly knocked Rusev right out of the ring. Even after several moments of taunting, Rusev remained outside of the ring and did not get back inside for seconds.
Many WWE fans have been eagerly anticipating WWE Monday Night Raw this week – especially with the rumors that have been circulating over the past week about The Rock making a surprise appearance.
Any doubt or uncertainty about The Rock showing up for WWE Monday Night Raw was eliminated when he posted this tweet on his official Twitter page shortly before the broadcast.
Let’s have some fun. LIVE in 3…2… #IfYaSmell #Surprise #RockOnRAW #BROOKLYN
— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) October 7, 2014
Expectations were high tonight and The Rock did not disappoint – especially when he showed up ready for battle.
Now, only time will tell what this means for The Rock because appearing on WWE Monday Night Raw could mean absolutely nothing. It could have just been a one-time thing since Dwayne Johnson was in town and wanted to prove that he was still beloved by wrestling fans. On the other hand, his appearance could mean that there is a major WWE battle currently in the works behind the scenes which has yet to be revealed.
What do you think? Was The Rock’s appearance tonight a foreshadowing moment of things to come or just a one-time publicity stunt to boost ratings for Monday Night Raw?
The Rock definitely shook things up for WWE Monday Night Raw – including physically overpowering rising WWE star Rusev.
Wearing his famous “JUST BRING IT” shirt, The Rock was able to trade quite a few words in the center of the ring with Rusev and his lovely lady/promoter Lana.
Before digging into Rusev’s ego, The Rock (also known as actor Dwayne Johnson) was able to spend a few moments honoring Lana’s beauty (after saying that she needs “to stop dressing like a Soviet streetwalker) in a way that only The Rock could – with a crowd-pleasing punchline that was completely unexpected, yet highly appreciated.
“Lana, in person, you’re beautiful. I know, right?! I mean it. You are stunning. You’re gorgeous. Lana, in person, you are (as we say here in America) sssssmoking!”
And the punchline…
“But it’s too bad you’re walking around here like somebody shoved a Smirnoff bottle up your Putin!”
The Rock was also able to please the crowd with such popular catchphrases as “It doesn’t matter” and “Can you smell what the Rock is cookin’?” at different points during his impressive speech in the ring.
Perhaps one of the most crowd-pleasing moments of the entire night was when The Rock (in response to Lana using a Vladimir Putin quote) quoted hip-hop mogul Jay-Z – “Allow me to reintroduce myself.”
After taking a few moments to introduce himself, The Rock then immediately jumped into a brutal surprise attack that quickly knocked Rusev right out of the ring. Even after several moments of taunting, Rusev remained outside of the ring and did not get back inside for seconds.
Many WWE fans have been eagerly anticipating WWE Monday Night Raw this week – especially with the rumors that have been circulating over the past week about The Rock making a surprise appearance.
Any doubt or uncertainty about The Rock showing up for WWE Monday Night Raw was eliminated when he posted this tweet on his official Twitter page shortly before the broadcast.
Let’s have some fun. LIVE in 3…2… #IfYaSmell #Surprise #RockOnRAW #BROOKLYN
— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) October 7, 2014
Expectations were high tonight and The Rock did not disappoint – especially when he showed up ready for battle.
Now, only time will tell what this means for The Rock because appearing on WWE Monday Night Raw could mean absolutely nothing. It could have just been a one-time thing since Dwayne Johnson was in town and wanted to prove that he was still beloved by wrestling fans. On the other hand, his appearance could mean that there is a major WWE battle currently in the works behind the scenes which has yet to be revealed.
Tuesday, 7 October 2014
Triple H talks The Rock's return to Raw, John Cena vs. Dean Ambrose at Hell in a Cell (Video)
Re-published from CagesideSeats
Triple H is back for his weekly sitdown interview with Michael Cole to discuss whatever is going on in WWE at the moment. This week: The Rock returned on "Raw" to confront Rusev and Lana, John Cena vs. Dean Ambrose was booked for "Hell in a Cell" and "SmackDown's" 15th Anniversary Special airs this Friday night
On The Rock's return to Raw this week:
"One of the most electrifying moments probably in the history of Raw, right? For The Rock to come out there unknown to everybody, everybody in the back even... to keep a secret in this day and age is a remarkable thing. I just gotta say that it's awesome that as big as The Rock has become outside of the WWE, the biggest star in Hollywood, the highest grossing box office star in Hollywood, all those things, you can really see it when Rock is here that there is nothing in the world like stepping into the WWE Universe, nothing in the world like stepping into that ring. You could see the goosebumps on his body. You know what it is. There is nothing like igniting the WWE Universe and for him that is the greatest thing, by far, that he does anywhere."
When asked to let us in on the secret of how they pulled off getting Rock back as a surprise:
"Well, when Rock is in the area and he has the time, there's nothing The Rock loves better than to come back to the WWE. I think it is a testament to Rusev right now that The Rock, in his busy schedule, found it necessary to come back to Brooklyn to address a certain pair of Russians. That's something because Rock doesn't make that time for anybody."
On the John Cena vs. Dean Ambrose match at Hell in a Cell:
"Yeah, you know, listen, you've gotta give the WWE Universe what they want. That's what we're all about, we're about opportunity, and it seems that Ambrose and Cena just keep getting in each other's way of taking advantage of that opportunity. They want to fight over who is going to get to Seth Rollins first so be it. They're going to get to fight over who gets the opportunity to get to Seth Rollins. The unfortunate part for them is they're going to get Seth Rollins but they're going to get him inside Hell in a Cell, probably the most brutal match in WWE history. And they're going to be in there with, arguably, the future of the WWE, arguably right now one of the greatest technicians and the greatest minds actively competing today. Careful what you wish for."
On a segment wth The Rock that will air on SmackDown this Friday:
"Yeah, Rock and I had a brief conversation after Monday Night Raw was over and there were cameras there. It's interesting, to say the least. Rock's a great guy. It's tough to turn off the competitive juices between the two of us."
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