Saturday 18 October 2014

Mick Foley On Quitting WWE After Montreal Screwjob, The Undertaker Featured On The Latest WWE Warehouse

Re-published from Wrestlezone

WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foleyrecently talked to the Seaway Newsin anticipation of his speaking performance in Cornwall, Ontario, next week.
Foley talked about what his show is like, his WWE history including quitting WWE after the Montreal Screwjob, if he gets heckled, and more. You can read a few excerpts below: 
Foley on expectations for his shows:
“I don’t want people to think it’s a comedy,” said Foley in a telephone interview with Seaway News. “It’s not joke-telling. It’s a wrestling-centered storytelling show that is based primarily in humour, but doesn’t have to be funny. It’s like taking fans on the same kind of emotional journey that a wrestling match would.”
Mick Foley On Quitting WWE:
“This will be my first return to Cornwall since ’97 when I quit WWE over the Montreal Screwjob with Bret Hart,” he said in an interview with “There was a Monday Night Raw that I missed following that pay-per-view out of protest. Then when my wife read my contract to me over the phone and I realized I’d just breached my contract and couldn’t work anywhere in the world for five years, I did return in Cornwall. I try to take every city where I’ve had history and incorporate it into the show.”

WWE Warehouse 

The latest episode of WWE Warehouse is now available on the WWE YouTube channel. Episode 7 takes a look some Undertaker artifacts, including some Buried Alive match tombstones and the Undertaker’s steel symbol. WWE Warehouse airs on weekly, followed by a delayed ‘premiere’ on YouTube on Fridays. You can watch the clip in the player below: 

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