Friday 17 October 2014

Chris Jericho won't return to WWE for Fandango feuds in the future

Re-published from cagesideseats

Chris Jericho was a guest on the Cheap Heat show this week and while talking about returning to WWE in the future, he made it clear that we won't be seeing him return for nothing feuds like the one he engaged in with Fandango leading into a match between the two at WrestleMania 29 in New Jersey.

"It's not a bad thing and I'm not saying this in a bad way but I don't want another Fandango situation, which I enjoyed when I was doing it but, in retrospect, it wasn't really -- and it's hard to say this with lack of ego, but whatever -- Chris Jericho worthy thing, something that means something that's going to make money. I've made money for the company for years, I plan to continue to do that. If it's just a sidetrack kind of ancillary thing, I'm not really interested in that."

Jericho's return at Royal Rumble last year was incredibly well received but his feud and eventual match with Fandango, while certainly entertaining, wasn't all that memorable. Fandango was on his way to getting over, rolling "Y2J" up and beating him at WrestleMania 29, but Jericho won the rematch at Extreme Rules and the Fandangoing craze died out rather quickly when WWE decided to push it down fan's throats.

If you'll remember, Jericho had to be talked into the idea by Vince McMahon, who did one of his classic sell jobs propping up a program as something it was never going to be.

From the sounds of it, we don't have to worry about that happening again.

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