Thursday 9 October 2014

WWE news: Stone Cold Steve Austin admits he is planning to wrestle again

Re-published from examiner

The WWE rumors have been hinting that Stone Cold Steve Austin will make his return to the ring, possibly for a match at “Wrestlemania 31.” However, as with most WWE rumors, it was taken with a grain of salt until now. Austin has said that if he wanted to return, that he would need months to prepare for his return to the WWE. PWS reported on Sunday that Austin confirmed his intentions to return on “The Steve Austin Show” podcast when he said that he is “trying to get back into shape for a comeback.”

With Austin saying this himself, the WWE rumors now become an exciting fact. Stone Cold Steve Austin will return to the WWE with the intentions of wrestling again. Of course, Austin will never be a regular competitor again, and honestly, he won’t even wrestle like Brock Lesnar. At his age, and with his medical history, this will likely be an Undertaker styled return, with one match at the biggest event of the year.

There were recent WWE rumors that Austin and the WWE had a new agreement with each other based on him talking more about the WWE in his show and the announcers actually talking about his podcast on “WWE Monday Night Raw.” The WWE never even mentioned Chris Jericho’s podcast, even when he had Triple H as a guest, so it seemed like the WWE was planning something with Austin. The WWE also upped the production of Steve Austin merchandise.

Now, the question is who Stone Cold Steve Austin will face in his return to the WWE. There has been a lot of talk about Sting coming into the WWE for one last match, but a match with Austin probably won’t happen because it isn’t really special enough. The two have wrestled before in WCW and that match doesn’t seem right. There is also a chance that Austin could team with Sting and maybe The Undertaker to take on three villains at “Wrestlemania 31” in a huge event match.

Whatever Stone Cold Steve Austin and the WWE have planned won’t be unveiled until 2015 at the earliest. All that is known right now is that Austin said he is working out and is planning on making a comeback. That could make “Wrestlemania 31” one of the most anticipated events of 2015.

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