Friday 20 March 2015

Storylines falling apart

Well, after Raw went off Air & Smackdown cane this Thursday, I have been thinking that what has gone wrong with WWE writing team. How can they write such a weak storyline heading into Raw & Smackdown & that too when Wrestlemania is round the corner.

Was it apt that Seth opened up RAW & accepted Wrestlemania's challenge? Really? You couldn't comeup with something exciting. Something that would have stirred things up for entire Raw or made it even more exciting. Like during the end, when Sting enterance happened, Seth could have been trapped in the coiledup viper & until then Seth would have rejected the match, but after the beating in the main event, accepts the match. After this Randy gets beaten by Authority, so does Sting.

Hell, how could you stop this thought people. It would have stirred things up for next week's Raw to a whole new level where Hunter could say that this is what Sting will get at Wrestlemania. Seth could talk about betrayal, beating & Vigilante's interference.

Except the best man on Mic, Paul Heyman's segment, entire Raw seemed to be falling apart just like Seth looked like falling apart until the Raw Main event. It would have been so apt for them to start a Twitter war post Raw. Hell, when B- players like Adam Rose & Zack Ryder could start a Twitter war, why couldn't the top feuds. It would be so apt to see Seth-Orton, Hunter-Sting, Brock/Heyman-Reigns, Bella's-AJ & Paige start a Twitter war.

When you can have a hashtag for trending or conversation during Raw or Smackdown, why not now when Mania is round the corner.

On Smackdown, except the Gauntlet & Main event Match, everything went very drizzy, very slow & pathetic. Noble making it into main storyline? Really? What happened to the amazing Miz-Mizdow segment. why not that on Smackdown? Towards the end, Viper raised the stakes, rest it felt pathetic.

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