Monday 9 March 2015

WWE RAW 9th March Live Coverage


Welcome to Monday Night Raw Live Coverage!!!

Raw opens with last week's main event. The way Orton offered help to Seth, how he helped him gain a win, but that is done to increase the feud between Seth & Randy.

Cole welcomes us to Raw as Vipers music hits & we see entire Authority except Hunter & Steph clapping for Vipers entry. Kane welcomes Randy back to The Authority but when The Giant Show tries to talk, he gets booed by WWE Universe.

He talks about how things have been between them & how he has seen Viper strike his own father incase he was in the path. Noble however seems to differ, so does Joey.

Seth cuts Noble in the middle & mock the Universe for thinking if they would have a feud(hint for main event). In the end, Universe chants RKO, Seth cracks a joke on Show, but they all welcome Randy to The Authority.

Orton hasn't spoken yet & it feels he is coiling & boiling.

He says are you asskissers in The Authority, that you are trying to kiss my ass. He taunts Kane about how he walked from Devil's favorite demon to the guy selling coffee. He taunts Show & so well. He talks real heart with Noble & now comes Seth.

He says do you think I am doing you a favor? Naa, I will kick you bad. Then he says I was having fun. Kane isn't happy, unlike others who changr thoughts in a moment.

It seems like he told the truth & the cards are out. Wish The Authority could understand that.

Back to Announce Table & he talks about Wiz Khalifa. They confirm that both Lesnar & Heyman are in the house & we would hear from the Beast.

'Yes' music hits as we see Daniel making it to the ring.

First Match: Bryan vs Barrett

'Yes' he won. What a great match. Great moves from both Barrett & Bryan. A cheapshot by Barrett after the match. Ambrose comes from the ramp & attacks Barrett.

2nd Match: Ambrose vs Stardust


Back from commercial & they show Hunter vs Sting at Wrestlemania on WWE Network.

Match is underway. Won by Ambrose. Brawl because of IC Title. Barrett's title is again stolen by R-Truth. This feud is going good.

Next up is The Warrior award in Honor of The Ultimate Warrior

Connors moment was shared. Wonderful moment.

What a moment as Heyman cuts a wonderful promo. Take a bow mate. No one is near you in this.

Now Bray cuts an amazing promo. 'Find Me'

Match underway between Show-Kane vs Erick & Ryback:

Great match as Erick & Team won

Steph enters & scolds Monster & Giant. Asks them to leave the arena & double think about what they are & what they represent.

Cole talks about #ShareYourVoice campaign.

We now go back to the Niagra commercial. Means we have Miz vs Mizdow segment. A great one as Mizdow is signed by Wiz. Also, he enters Andre Battle Royal at Wrestlemania. Great to see how the storyline moves from here on.

Wiz Khalifa performs on RAW.

NEXT is Divas battle

Frienemies win against Summer Rae & Eva Marie

Sting cuts promo about Wrestlemania match. Nice one.

Rusev & Cena confront each other backstage as Moscow Mauler makes way to the ring. We are in for a treat.

Next Match is Rusev vs Axel

Rusev wins & talks crap about USA. Cena locks STF on him until Lana agrees for a US Title match at Wrestlemania.

Bray Wyatt cuts a great promo again.

Next Match is New Day vs Cesaro Kidd. Actually Tag Team Turmoil.

Los Metadores won.

Backstage Seth says relax Randy was joking.

Next up is Bray Wyatt Live in Ring on Raw.

Taker tone hits & we get chills. He will be at Wrestlemania. Deadman will be there.

It's Main Event Time: Seth & Randy vs Roman Reigns

As expected Randy turned on Seth. Orton vs Seth for Mania.

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