Monday 2 March 2015

WWE RAW 2nd March Live coverage


Welcome to Live Raw Coverage

Raw opens with Seth Rollins entering the ring as they cut the Stewart show footage where Seth interrupted. Seth hits verbally on Stewart as the WWE Universe chants 'You Suck' & as Seth continues to talk more until he is interrupted by Roman Reigns.

The confrontation heats up as Roman & Seth exchange words where Seth says that Roman can't beat Brock. Roman proposes a triple threat at Wrestlemania & asks if Seth can put his MITB contract on the line but Seth says I can wait to cash it later & then Roman punches J&J security.

We go to the announce table but can't hear a word as probably there was some speech error in the mics. Backstage we see Ambrose heading to the ring as we go for commercial.

Back from Commercial we see Seth angry on his security for making Roman punch him until Randy shows up. He gives in some advice of a match tonite which Seth rudely answers. Randy says he was trying to help.

I predict he may be turning into a baby face slowly & anti-authority.

First match of the night: Ambrose vs Barrett

Few good moves & some trash talking but not really a powerful match until we go for commercial.

Next part is awesome as there are a set of good moves. We have R Truth at commentary but can't hear a word. We see Luke Harper taking away the Intercontinental Championship which makes Ambrose win the match.

Backstage Miz talks about the commercial he did but ends up embarrassing himself. He slaps Mizdow who seems all fired up on Miz but later comes down to saying 'Sorry' as we go for commercial.

Back from the commercial we see 'The Face of Fear' Bray talk about Taker with a coffin from the top of the stage. He has been cutting a wonderful promo over the last many weeks & this one is no different. He lights the coffin up as we go to commercial.

Hey, Finally the Announce Team issue gets fixed. Great to hear their voice.

Back from Commercial as we hear Cole for the 1st time in the night along with ths entire announce team. He thanks us for making WWE the #1 on Youtube.

Next up is Usos vs Kidd-Cesaro

A match lasting around 5 minutes or less as Naomi wins it for the Usos. We see husband wife get into a fight of words until Kidd cools it up.

Now announced we will see Seth take on Roman tonight.

Next up is Cena's plans for Rusev. I am sure Cenation members will like it.

Well, it seems to be a great one. He talks about beating Rusev as the biggest shows of all Wrestlemania. Then he says that he is officially entering the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal until Steph interrupts.

Steph denies his entry into the Battle Royal instead AxelMania interrupts. Steph makes it official match between Cena & Axel & tells Cena to make Rusev change his mind & accept the match at Wrestlemania or else Cena is out of this year's Mania.

Next up is Axel vs Cena

Match goes well but Rusev denies having a match at Wrestlemania.

Don't worry we will have it at Mania. It's just shaping up.

Cole talks about his exclusive interview for Hunter vs Sting match. Wait for the other part after commercial.

Hunter comes to the ring to talk about Sting & calls Booker to the ring. It's Hunter vs Sting discussing Sting now in the ring. It feels like Booker could get hit by The Game as he talks in favor of The Vigilante. Booker talks about how legends like Hulk, Eric Bischoff or other's couldn't control Sting. Hunter says yeah he just wanted an opinion but drops a bombshell by saying that the 5x champion is fired.

This will heat up things between Hunter & Sting but then Hunter says he was just kidding. He wants to put an end to Sting or WCW & talks to Booker post that segment.

Next up is Divas Title Match between Paige & Nikki

A wonderful match between Paige & Nikki. Th3 match goes longer than expected. Seems like AJ's tweet got it all done. Even towards the end, as Nikki was to hit Paige, the amazing AJ Lee returns which was wonderfully received by WWE Universe.

Next up is John Stewart vs Seth Confrontation

A wonderful segment with Stewart & Seth. Until things could get off hand Orton tries to walk down to calm Rollins but ends up helping Stewart hit Rollins a low blow.

Backstage we see Renee talk to John Stewart who gives ideas about possibly training or wrestling.

Next up is Harper vs Bryan

In the ring we see Luke Harper going against Bryan. A match cut short than the divas normally show up time in TV. We see many people taking away the IC Title namely, Truth, Harper but in the end it goes to Ziggler, the former IC Champ. We see Bryan & Ziggler looking at each other & it seems like we may see DB vs DZ at Wrestlemania.

Latest Inductee will be Madhusha into the 2015 Hall Of Fame

Backstage we see Randy coming to talk to Seth but the Rest of the Authority denies any talk. We may see Randy kicking asses during Seth vs Roman match tonite.

Ladies & Gentleman his name is Paul Heyman is in the ring to cut another wonderful promo of the fight between Roman & Lesnar at Wrestlemania.

Next up is The Main Event Seth vs Roman

A hell of a match. So many moves, so much goes on. Spear, chair cheap shots by Kane, help from Randy to Seth to steal one & the carnage by Reigns.

Wow!!! A great finish to Raw. Get set ready for next week as things will boil up.

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