Sunday 26 April 2015

Extreme Rules 2015 Predictions!!!

Tag team match for the WWE Tag Team Championship:

Tyson Kidd and Cesaro (c) (with Natalya) vs. The New Day (Big E and Kofi Kingston) (with Xavier Woods)

Although New Day has been booed by the WWE Universe in the past, they are still a favorite & despite their recent possible heel turn, we may see Kidd-Cesaro winning this bout, thus making them the reigning & still WWE Tag Team Champions. Although, Kingston-Big E & Xavier are good, but not good enough to be tag champions.

Singles match for the WWE Divas Championship

Nikki Bella (c) vs. Naomi

Naomi has been doing great as of late, but we also know that Bella's have been raising hell. Although it may sound weird, but I think, Naomi may win this bout & then make her the heel diva, as we all know that even Bella's are heel but let's see how things may change if Naomi becomes champion.

Chicago Street Fight

Dean Ambrose vs. Luke Harper

It's gonna be awesome as we have two mentally weird people with one, Ambrose a WWE Universe favorite, but Harper not so much favorite, let's see what happens next. I am hoping to see Harper win this one.

Kiss Me Arse match

Dolph Ziggler vs. Sheamus

We will only have Sheamus win this one as they would want to cash in on Sheamus's recent heel turn & take this match till Summerslam.

Last Man Standing match

Roman Reigns vs. Big Show

Ofcourse, they would want to show Roman win so that they can make him the next big thing & the new powerhouse, although that could help them take the storyline till Summerslam. So, it is important that Roman wins!!!

Russian Chain match for the WWE United States Championship

John Cena (c) vs. Rusev (with Lana)

Do I need to answer this? Well, it's simple: THE CHAMP IS HERE!!!

Singles match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship

Daniel Bryan (c) vs. Bad News Barrett

It's simple to say that they know what a big name is the leader of the Yes Movement. So it has to be Bryan winning this one.

Steel Cage match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship with Kane as the cage gatekeeper; Orton is banned from using the RKO

Seth Rollins (c) vs. Randy Orton

Rollins will win this thing, so that they can take this storyline till Summerslam & hell yeah, posiibly making Kane a loyal one to the Authority, but yes, there will be tensions between Kane & Rollins during the match.

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