Wednesday 15 April 2015

WWE Mic Shut Down

Ever since 'The Beast Incarnate' Brock Lesnar laid down mayhem on RAW & was indefinitely suspended for his harsh actions the WWE Mic seems to have died.

Don't Believe me? Think again.

Till the time Brock was there in the WWE, we could see Paul Heyman come down to the ring everyday & cut wonderful promos for his client which would hype up the matches for upcoming PPV's because of which people were thrilled & eager to watch the PPV & Brock's matches. Just round the corner, we saw him sell the match between Brock & Roman for Mania & it really got a good pitch & viewership.

Wish WWE brings in Brock Lesnar soon back to TV so that we can get to hear the most amazing voice on TV & the man who knows how to cut promos The Heyman Way.

'Ladies & Gentleman, My name is Paul Heyman'

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