Sunday 12 April 2015

The Great Khali back in WWE

Republished from DNA

Khali's contract has been renewed and he left for USA on Wednesday night.
  • Khali-wrestling-Delhi'The Great Khali' at a private event in Alipur
If you are a fan ofWWE and wrestler Khali, here is a good news for you. The great khali will soon return to WWE wrestling ring after a break of two years. His contract has been renewed and he left for USA on Wednesday night. Before leaving for US, Khali stopped at Alipur village in North West Delhi to meet his friends and fans.
Iamin correspondent caught up with 'The Great Khali' at a private event in Alipur where he shared his future plans and told us what he had been planning and doing for last two years.
You have been out of the scene for quite some time. Is there any specific reason for that?
I was busy establishing my wrestling institute in Jalandhar, Punjab. It's a world class institute where more than 30 young wrestlers are being trained by trainers from USA currently. I have tried to provide best facilities there so that we can prepare world class wrestlers who can represent our country in the WWE world.
Why it took two years to renew the WWE contract?
It's not that I had no offers from the WWE. I had voluntarily taken this break as I needed some time to establish the institute in Jalandhar. Now that the things are on track I decided to get back to the ring.
You were seen in a few Bollywood films as well. Are you getting new offers?
I got many offers from Bollywood and quite a few from Hollywood as well. But I would like to continue with the WWE for now. However, I am considering the Hollywood offers and might sign some in the near future.
Where did this idea of starting your own Institute come from?
The idea came from my own journey and struggle. I had to go abroad and get training as facilities of that standard is not available in our country. This was always in my mind that I should do something for the youngsters of my country who want to excel in this field but are not privileged enough to go abroad and get trained.
What message you would like to convey to the youngsters who aspire to become 'Khali'?
Honesty, hard labour and dedication are the words for them. Also respect your parents, coaches and always have confidence in yourself. Never lose hope under adverse situations.
For the original version of the interview, click here

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