Saturday 23 May 2015

WWE Smackdown results: Dean Ambrose defeats Bray Wyatt while Roman Reigns sets his eyes on Money in the Bank Ladder Match

Republished from Independent

Smackdown kicked off with Roman Reigns entering through the crowd to tell them that even though he didn't win, he had a really good time at Payback by hitting Seth Rollins in the mouth and going toe to toe with his brother Dean Ambrose. The powerhouse said that he now has to have a new game plan so entered himself into the Money in the Bank Ladder Match.
Dean Ambrose then entered the ring to tell Reigns that he won't be in the Ladder Match as he will be the WWE World Heavyweight Champion by then when he beats Rollins at the Elimination Chamber. Kane then made a rematch between Ambrose and Bray Wyatt before giving Reigns the night off.
The first match of the night saw The Lucha Dragons face The Ascension, The Brass Ring Club and Los Matadores in a four way tag team match. New Day watched on alongside The Prime Time Players as the Tag Team Champions prepare to defend their titles in the Elimination Chamber coming up. Kalisto won the match for his team with a modified Hurricanrana while Sin Cara jumped onto every other team onto the outside.
Dolph Ziggler took on King Barrett as the two looked to get the advantage before the Elimination Chamber match for the vacant Intercontinental Championship. Ziggler managed to dodge the Bull Hammer to hit the Zig Zag to win the match. Lana approached the ramp to congratulate The Show Off, who she shared a kiss with on Raw, which infuriated Rusev, who will also be in the chamber.
Stardust took on R-Truth who is also involved in the Elimination Chamber Intercontinental Championship matchup. Truth used clever tactics by throwing Stardust's glove in the air to distract him before landing the STO for the win.
Axelmania and Macho Mandow faced Heath Slater and Adam Rose in a tag team match with Rosa Mendes at ringside. Mandow threw Rose outside the ring to set the Atomic Leg Drop on Slater for The Mega Powers to continue their winning streak after Payback.
The crowd were geared up for another showdown between Wyatt and Ambrose to continue their historic rivalry. The Lunatic Fringe was in control for most of the match until Rollins' music hit as the Architect prepared to interfere before Reigns intervened. Reigns landed the Superman Punch on J&J Security before hitting Wyatt with one more for Ambrose to hit the Dirty Deeds for the win. Rollins stared down his former Shield teammates as the lights faded to close the show.
The Lucha Dragons defeated The Ascension, The Brass Ring Club and Los Matadores
Dolph Ziggler defeated King Barrett
R-Truth defeated Stardust
The Mega Powers defeated Heath Slater and Adam Rose
Dean Ambrose defeated Bray Wyatt

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