Thursday 21 August 2014

Has Ambrose left?

After the way Dean Ambrose left without getting ready to take medical attention, there are speculations that Dean Ambrose may have left for good. As per Triple H

'He ran. What does that sound like? He tucked his tail between his legs and he ran because he is what Seth Rollins has always said: he's unstable. What do you call him? The Lunatic Fringe, wooo, he's out there, right? He's smart enough to know when it's done, he's smart enough to know when it's over, he's smart enough to know when he's lost and there is no hope. So what did he do? He did what Seth Rollins said he would do, he tucked his tail and ran like a coward. My guess is we will probably never see or hear from Dean Ambrose again. He's not that crazy. He might just be a genius and that genius might be the thing that saved his life.'

Here is the video: 

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