Saturday 16 August 2014

Who might be better at SummerSlam?

All IMAGES Credit: WWE

With SummerSlam tomorrow, what do you expect to see or should I say whom do you expect to rise above the expectation? Here is my prediction:

(a) Stephanie McMahon: We know that daddy's girl & this wonderful business-woman has always been a fan favorite despite playing heel on television. She has been the highlight of discussion for all the wrong reasons. It would be wrong to say that she has't made any storyline that she is in as interesting as it gets & this one with Brie Bella isn't any less. Watchout Folks as Steph may shock & rock the show!

(b) Dean Ambrose: When The Shield splitted up in June this year, people had high hopes with Seth as he became heel & thanks to some of his supermanic performances, he was already a highlight among the wwe universe. As far as Roman Reigns goes, he was a fan favorite since day 1, but people thought that Dean would be just another roster guy, just as happened with Nexus, as Wade Barrett & Husky Harris(Bray Wyatt) got the pop-up while others perished, but not  this time, as Dean Ambrose really showed what he is made of & has been involved in a lot of breathtaking moments, like the brawl at Battleground & day-in, day-out problems with the SELLOUT Seth Rollins. He will really be one to watchout for, becuase if the two pulled it off well, we are nothing short of a spectacular match at Summerslam.

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