Friday 22 August 2014

Kurt Angle vs Rusev! What Say People?



Rusev seems to be playing a heel from an International Origin & has taken the fight to new heights, all thanks to peole that have stood in his path, namely Big E, Jack Swagger & the latest to join the league is Mark Henry, but wouldn't it be better to see a champion & an Olympian challenge the Russian powerhouse & bring him down.

Well, it seems to be a great idea & a perfect storyline as Kurt Angle has shown interest about returning back to the WWE & this storyline would be the perfect for a comeback. Even better fact is that since Kurt has been away from WWE for long ,so his return would make the perfect pop for this battle between Kurt-Rusev & it would help the WWE cash in on this moment & earn millions of dollars.

Now, all that is left to see is the fact if the Olympian will return & grab this great opportunity by the collar.

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