Tuesday 19 August 2014

Indeed Alberto Del Rio Slapped

Previously they were just rumors, but now it's confirmed by none other then Alberto Del Rio himself that he had slapped the Social Media Manager Cody Barbierri for his wrong remarks. He said that it wasn't the first time that Cody spoke such words & such language. He stated the same while speaking with Mexican morning news show Primero Noticias of Televisa. 

According to Del Rio,' There were many witnesses of the incident, including the crew members, one of the referees, and other wrestlers.', but the only one he named was Jack Swagger. He noted that he could "not say exactly what happened at this moment," and that he was "a few days from saying what happened, there were many witnesses since it happened at catering."

He said that he "slapped an employee of WWE, they can take my job but not my pride and dignity." "This person made some comments, I slapped him, I feel embarrassed of my actions," Del Rio said. "After his comment I stood up and I demanded an apology for what he said, but he smiled and said to 'swallow it' and I slapped him."

According to Del Rio, when he slapped the SMM, Vince called him in & said this,'I know where you come from. I understand where your anger comes from, if after someone insults you and smiles then tells you to swallow it I understand you'll react this way but it was not an appropriate reaction," Vince said. "But all is well, go back to work.'

The next day he found out that he was suspended, only for Triple H to call him and inform him that he was released. He plans upon filing a legal case against WWE soon.

(Credit: YouTube User: roxbautista)

Now, that's what I call,'Controversy creates Cash'.

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