Saturday 28 February 2015

Is Brock Lesnar moving to UFC?

If you have been reading sports news regularly, you would be aware by now that Brock Lesnar moved out of WWE RAW because he wasn't pretty happy with the terms of his contract with WWE.

Remember this tweet from Paul Heyman after Roman won the main event at Fastlane that he & Brock will address the situation on #Raw, however we all know that it was only Heyman that came to the ring to talk to Roman.

Despite having so many things going around in WWE, Brock Lesnar has not tweeted or shared anything about it on Social Media, until yesterday, he was seen at UFC 184, with a seat besides the ring. Does this mean that Brock might be walking out of WWE again after Wrestlemania?

If that happens, it becomes a clear indication that Roman could end up being the next WWE World Champion at The Grandest stage of them all. What happens to Paul Heyman?

We may see him working with the Divas & make them the next big things in WWE. There has been a lot of speculation & heat already within the company for the equal pay & more time for Divas on TV & possibly Heyman could help take that angle further.

Wait until you see, how this story unfolds.

Friday 27 February 2015

WrestleMania Live on Ten Sports

A treat for Indian WWE fans as Wrestlemania comes live on Ten Sports. Don't Believe me, Watch this video:

Thursday 26 February 2015

Master of 619 released

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I am afraid I have got some bad news for all Booyaka fans. According to a recent input by WWE, they have moved his profile to the Alumni section thus confirming that Rey Mysterio is longer a part of WWE.

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I am sure a lot of Rey Mysterio 619 fans will miss him.

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Is AJ Lee going to return because of this storyline?

AJ Lee's tweet seems to be causing a stir amongst the WWE Universe & everyone is supporting the #GiveDivasAChance movement.  If you were to take a look, ever since Stephanie McMahon tweeted in favor of Patricia Arquette's speech at the Oscars, WWE has been boiling with the Give Divas a chance movement & it goes to show that the female wrestlers, called Divas in WWE are not getting adequate time on Television or pay, the roar has been going high & against the WWE on Social Media. Here is the Tweet by Steph followed by AJ Lee's tweets:

Although it may sound funny but it feels like Patricia Arquette gave WWE a reason to start an amazing storyline in the Divas division & we may see AJ Lee coming back to WWE under the same storyline in a feud with Stephanie McMahon.

Incase, you recall, the last time, WWE did a feud in the Divas division between Steph & Brie Bella, it sounded that they are about to take the divas division to a whole new level, but it feels like over the course of this storyline, the Bella's were unable to take the feud further, so they had to dilute it with a sister's reunion angle & divert it towards Paige, unlike what might have been planned.

I am sure that this time with AJ Lee being back in the spotlight, we may see lot of mic conversations & most importantly a valuable feud & storyline is on it's way. Here is a fantasy match designed by WWE back in September between AJ Lee & Stephanie McMahon.

Tuesday 24 February 2015

#GiveDivasAChance: A Movement Long Overdue

Despite trying hard of not republishing anyone's article, I had to use this article as it says my thoughts easily, so republishing this from dailyddt

#GiveDivasAChance trended on Twitter after the brief Divas segment that aired on WWE Raw.
During yesterday’s edition of Monday Night RAW, WWE fans took hastily to Twitter to participate in a movement they were determined to get recognized. No, it was not the attempts to get R-Truth a shot at the Intercontinental Championship that caught the attention. Instead, it was a twist on the aforementioned #GiveTruthAChance, as it instead became #GiveDivasAChance. This hashtag rapidly became the top trend on Twitter following a 26-second bout pitting Paige & Emma against the Bella Twins, consisting of only a couple of moves. Frankly, their entrances lasted longer than the actual action in the ring.
This shameful limiting of the WWE Divas division to short, uneventful and formulaic matches seems to have finally caught fire among the WWE Universe, with BuzzFeed picking up on the story in the aftermath. The trend also didn’t go unnoticed among wrestlers themselves (although WWE surprisingly failed to acknowledge it), as names like WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley and former TNA Knockout Velvet Sky voiced their support of the movement:
 The Divas division has become little more than a joke in recent years, and that is not down to the talent within that group itself. Of course, there has been the odd moment to make even their most ardent supporters face palm, such as when Cameron attempted to pin Naomi on her front, or Eva Marie’s attempts at selling even basic maneuvers. But that is due to a policy of hiring models and pretty faces instead of trained professionals and athletes and teaching them from scratch. Yet, what is the point of training your backside off just to participate in a two-minute match every show.

It is moments like this that makes articles such as this gem by Becca Cook a sad but realistic vision of the current state of affairs. At NXT, the women’s division there is demonstrating what they can do given time and the platform to perform. Triple H and the rest of the creative team there have been amazingly supportive and trusting, putting a great deal of faith in the talent of these ladies to succeed, and every time they have delivered. Just look at the Fatal Four-Way match from Takeover: Rival, where Charlotte, Sasha Banks, Bayley and Becky Lynch produced arguably the match of the night.

It is unquestionable that with the caliber of performers on the main roster they could produce similar results. Paige was firing on all cylinders when she was NXT Women’s Champion, as were Emma and Summer Rae in pursuit of a title opportunity. The Bella Twins have greatly improved in between the ropes from when they began in WWE, showing the fruits of their hard work and dedication. And in AJ Lee, Natalya, Naomi, Alicia Fox and Layla, the company have extremely athletic competitors who could put on great matches if given the time to perform.
Perhaps the greatest part of NXT, outside of the consistently excellent matches, is the fact that it has exposed how excellent the female performers in developmental are when given the time. If Charlotte or Sasha Banks are “promoted” to the main roster and are stuck in three minute matches with no meaning, fans will take notice and belittle the product like never before.

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Whilst the main event has up to this point remained solely for the male superstars and the WWE Championship, that shouldn’t directly influence that the divas should only get three minute slots to compensate. RAW’s tag team match, if it can even be called that, was the latest in a glaring series of disrespectful actions towards their female roster. Often I’ve considered this to be both an issue between fan apathy/sexism and poor booking decisions. But, having witnessed this social media outpouring, I would hope this means the booking team can no longer ignore the desire to see the ladies show what they can do.
Fans aren’t asking for much. Give the ladies ten minutes every now and again to produce a great match on television – maybe fifteen or twenty on a PPV once in a while. Produce some meaningful and original angles to get fans invested, like the feud between Brie Bella and Stephanie McMahon in the summer of 2014. Have some stipulations added to their bouts to allow them to push boundaries and entertain the fans. We’re not screaming for them to headline WrestleMania; all we desire is them to be shown a little respect and fairness due to the effort they put in every week with such awful material to work with.

Monday 23 February 2015

WWE RAW 23rd Feb Live Coverage


WWE Raw started with Cole welcoming us & telling us that we are 34 days away from Wrestlemania.

Viper music hits as the WWE Universe goes mad. He takes us down memory lane from what happened 4 months ago. He calls out Seth but out comes Hunter with Steph,Show & Kane.

Steph tried to talk & make The Viper return back in The Authority but instead Randy says 'I would rather kick some ass, then kiss some ass'.

Show tries to convince Orton to be back in The Authority to which he says you want me to be a sellout.

Steph wants Randy back & asks to discuss that in a business meeting,which Orton accepts.

Cole talks about Fastlane fallout & What's next for John Cena.

John talks about Lesnar vs Reigns at Wrestlemania.

First Match of the night is BNB vs Ziggler as we go to commercial.

We see Barrett talking about how Ambrose took away the IC Title, but he was interrupted by Ziggler as R-Truth joins on commentary.

A good start to the match. We see that during the match Barrett throws Ziggler at Truth. Many 3 counts between the two & everyone thinks this might be over for him, instead it finally ends and we see Ambrose entering with the IC Title.

In the mean time we see #GiveTruthAChance trends worldwide as we go to commercial.

Back from Commercial & we see Cole selling us what happened yesterday between Hunter & Sting & what will take place at Wrestlemania.

Backstage we see the business meeting & after some discussions Orton shows that he has joined The Authority, but make no mistake about it, it will all come to an end by the end of Raw as Steph announced Orton & Rollins vs Bryan & Reigns later on tonight as we go to commercial.

Back from Commercial & we see Sheamus returns promo.

Next up is The Ascension vs Prime Time players

Great match but Ascension lost. They take their frustration out on Prime Time players.

Cole sells us Wrestlemania match between Lesnar-Reigns & says next we will hear from Reigns as we go to commercial.

Back from the commercial & we see Reigns walking down from the crowd side. He talks about how the amazing match went & called Bryan 'The Other Guy', before Bryan entered.

Bryan talks about doubters for Roman but says that after the win yesterday you have earned my respect. He says now just kick Lesnar's ass. As he was to leave the best person on the mic Paul Heyman enters.

As we all know he cuts the best promos & he sure as hell did.

Next up is Usos vs New Tag champs for The title. A phenomenal match. Great match, great moves, wonderful performance. Natalya got involved to cause a disqualification, but the Usos won. Naomi doesn't seem to be happy. We may have a match between the divas later today or some other show.

Cole talks about what will happen with Cena & what's next for Rusev after their Fastlane bout.

Up next is Bray Wyatt challenge to The Undertaker. We are about to see The Phenom return probably as we go to commercial.

Back from The Commercial, we see Miz-Mizdow talking backstage about how the latter's life has changed ever since he became Miz's personal assistant. He thanks Miz.

Back to announce table we see Cole talk about Bray's entry yesterday at Fastlane & watch that means.

We see Bray talking to the coffin backstage. He challenges Taker by saying,'Find Me', which means we may see Taker anytime soon.

Next up is Stardust vs Jack Swagger

Swagger wins with a distraction caused by Golddust as Wwe universe chants 'Corey'. This feud is far from over.

Cole talks about what they have been promoting whole day. What's next for Cena? Cena joins live as we go into commercial.

Cena talks about his loss last night vs Rusev. After a fierce confrontation, Cena proposes Cena vs Rusev for US title at Wrestlemania. Rusev denies. Guess what? This is going to happen soon.

Cole talks about what happened earlier in the day between Orton & The Authority backstage. We see Seth walking into Viper's locker room where Orton talks about being able to teach Bryan & Reigns a lesson at the end of the day. I am sure it will change by the end of the day.

We see Paige coming to the ring & it's going to be a divas action next but before that we take a look at Sting.

Axelmania is in the ring who gets fed by the hungry guy.

A special look at Sting

It's Main Event Time

Show,Kane & J&J security come along with Seth. Next in is Orton. Seth announces for his entry. Next up is Bryan & Rollins.

Match goes wonderful, with Bryan & Rollins locking horns until we go for commercial.

A great match ends with Randy RKOing Noble & making Seth get back on his feet.

What does this mean for Seth & The Authority? Find out in my next blog.

WWE Raw Live Coverage

Tune in to my blog for Raw Live Coverage tonight.

Follow all the fallout from Fastlane & how things shape up for WrestleMania. Expect The Deadman to return & confront Bray Wyatt. Roman to get answer from Brock & Paul Heyman.

Sting & Hunter take their feud further. Miz & his personal assistant get into a feud for a match at Wrestlemania.

All this & the biggest of all, return of Randy Orton & the aftermath with Seth Rollins.

Sunday 22 February 2015

WWE Fastlane Matches!

As the Matches are about to happen, here is a look at the scheduled matches at Fastlane.


Tyson Kidd and Cesaro (with Natalya) vs The Usos (Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso) (c) (with Naomi)
Nikki Bella (c) (with Brie Bella) vs Paige
Singles match for the WWE Divas Championship[17]
Rusev (c) (with Lana) vs John Cena
Singles match for the WWE United States Championship[19]
Singles match; the winner will face Brock Lesnar for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania 31[20]
·         (c) – refers to the champion(s) heading into the match

Saturday 21 February 2015

Apologies on an irrelevant blog

I know that over the last few weeks or should I say months, the blog has been disrupted & I am just republishing other's content which wasn't what I wanted at the first place. Now, I am sure that it shall not be repeated an further. I am hopeful that unlike my last try to keep posting new & important content, I failed, shouldn't happen again.

Thanks for your patience & support.

WWE Ringside Doctor Sues CM Punk for $1 Million ... Over Staph Infection Claims

Re-published from tmz

Two former WWE superstars have been hit with a huge lawsuit from the WWE ringside doctor -- who claims the duo defamed him on a podcast ... when they trashed him over the way he treated a growth on CM Punk's back. 
The man behind the lawsuit is Dr. Chris Amann -- who claims Punk and Colt Cabana defamed him on Colt's "Art of Wrestling" podcast back in November ... when Punk spoke out for the first time about his departure from WWE. 
During the podcast, Punk repeatedly tore into Amann -- essentially saying he was a crappy doctor.
Amann says the two also claimed he misdiagnosed a growth on Punk's back -- a growth that Punk says later turned into a full blown staph infection. 
But Amann says it's all BS -- claiming the statements are false and defamatory ... and now he wants the wrestlers to pony up more than $1 million in damages to his reputation ... plus punitive damages. 
Colt and Punk had no comment about the lawsuit.

Friday 20 February 2015

Former WWE wrestler CM Punk sued over comments about doctor

Republished from chicagotribune

Phillip Brooks, who made a name for himself as WWE wrestler CM Punk, has been sued over comments he made in a tell-all podcast last November.

In the podcast, Brooks said he was mistreated for a growth on his back and a concussion by Christopher Amann of Will County, World Wrestling Entertainment's official doctor, according to the lawsuit.

Brooks' latest address was not known, but he has lived for many years in Chicago.

The suit, filed Thursday in Cook County Circuit Court, says Amann never treated Brooks for the lump on his back and followed proper protocol for a concussion, which included telling Brooks to leave the ring.

Brooks said in the podcast that the doctor did not excise the growth because he was "lazy" and that the nodule grew so large and dangerous that "it had teeth," according to the podcast. Because of Amann's negligence, Brooks said in the podcast, the lump morphed into a "full-blown," life-threatening drug-resistant staph infection by the time another doctor examined it.

Details of the podcast were published in several articles, which are quoted in the suit.

Also named as a defendant in the suit is professional wrestler Scott Colton, who hosts "The Art of Wrestling" podcast, which aired the comments. Colton, whose professional name is Colt Cabana, was terminated by WWE in 2009, according to the suit.

Colton "affirmed and amplified" Brooks' comments, according to the suit, when he pleaded with listeners to "hear the struggle" and "hear the heartache" in his statements.

The podcast has been streamed more than 1 million times on YouTube and more than 10,000 times on, according to the suit.

Parties to the suit could not immediately be reached.

Thursday 19 February 2015

Ditching Stardust Character Would Give Cody Rhodes His Niche Back in WWE

Republished from BleacherReport

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Ever since he debuted for WWE way back in 2007, Cody Rhodesseems to have had more peaks and troughs than most other stars in the company.
Ups and downs have been the norm for Rhodes over the last seven or eight years, and this Sunday represents an important crossroads—no pun intended—in the career of Cody.
While the Stardust gimmick was initially a refreshing change for the 29-year-old, it has quickly gone stale, with little clarity as to what direction that character is heading.
When he locks horns with brother Goldust this coming Sunday at WWE Fastlane, it should be the final time we see the Stardust character. Simply put, it's time for plain old Cody Rhodes to return to our screens.
He may have hinted on Raw this past week that Cody Rhodes is "dead," but that shouldn't stop WWE from making the switch and freeing him up once again.
Cody has always promised much in the way of potential—indeed, several decent runs during his career have yielded a number of championships.
But the Stardust gimmick has now run its course, and if Cody's brother Goldust is working his final few programs as a professional wrestler before returning to a backstage role, that development should ultimately set Cody free.
Unfortunately for Rhodes, he's lost his presence over recent months, and all the Stardust gimmick has really done is made him look like a poorer, insignificant relation of Goldust.
In reality, he's anything but that. Cody Rhodes is a guy who possesses extreme mic skills—not least when working as a heel. He has a really twisted, demonic edge to him that gives him a real purpose and relationship with fans. The Stardust gimmick hasn't really done that since day one.
You only have to think back to what was perhaps his best run as a solo star, in 2010. The "Dashing" Cody Rhodes gimmick really helped him stand out in what was a crowded roster and become one of the most memorable stars on the SmackDown brand.
He was on such a roll that even after his nose was legitimately broken by Rey Mysterio during a match, he incorporated the injury into his gimmick, returning as a man wearing a protective mask. The addition of hired stooges to put paper bags over opponents—as well as members of the audience—was innovative and increasingly hilarious as the weeks wore on.
What that run proved is that Rhodes can work a gimmick extremely well. He is very believable when he competes, and his technical ability is on par with some of the best WWE has on its roster.
Rhodes has had other rivalries and feuds that have proven his talent, too—his mammoth eight-month reign as intercontinental champion culminated in defeat to Big Show at WrestleMania 28. However, before that, Rhodes had really helped to stoke the flames for that feud with a series of enterprising and lively promos that highlighted Big Show's embarrassing WrestleMania moments.
Give credit where credit is due to WWE and Rhodes for trying something new with the Stardust gimmick. However, there's no real way it can continue beyond Fastlane—Cody Rhodes is in desperate need of something new.
Restoring him back to his original character would be the best way to give him his niche back, enabling him to find his place on the roster once again.

Wednesday 18 February 2015

John Cena Should Retire the U.S. Championship if he Defeats Rusev at WrestleMania 31

Re-published from dailyddt

If John Cena is the one to beat Rusev, he should also be the one to retire the United States Championship.
The United States Championship used to be a prestigious title to own in WWE. It was held by all-time greats like Harley Race, Ric Flair and Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat. The belt was also an important part of SmackDown for the majority of the brand split. However, ever since the Raw and SmackDown rosters combined, the belt has faded into the background.
Rusev is the owner of the United States Championship and has still not been pinned or submitted. He will face his toughest challenge since arriving on the main roster in John Cena this Sunday at WWE Fastlane. However, any finish is likely going to be saved for a match at WrestleMania 31. If Cena is indeed the man to defeat Rusev at the show of shows, he should be the one to retire the U.S. Championship.
For awhile now, the U.S. Championship has seemed destined to be unified with the Intercontinetal Championship or retired like so many other titles have been (e.g. WWE Championship and World Heavyweight Championship in 2013). The belt has hardly been defended for a few years due to story lines purposes or Creative not caring enough.
Rusev is the owner of the U.S. Championship. He defeated Sheamus for it back in November for a special match on the WWE Network. The Bulgarian Brute has only defended the belt once against Jack Swagger. He was involved in a program with Ryback, but that ended up just being a TV feud. You almost forget at times that Rusev even holds the belt.
Last year, WWE called on Cena to end the dominant reign of young Superstar Bray Wyatt at WrestleMania 30. It hurt The Eater of Worlds’ momentum for a long time, but he finally recovered by the end of 2014. The decision for Cena, the face of WWE and Vince McMahon’s favorite, may be for him to end the reign of another young star in Rusev.
If this happens, do you really think that WWE is going to have Cena defend a championship that he was battling for over a decade ago during his rise to the top of the roster?
Cena is still the top guy in WWE in the eyes of management and plenty of fans. He will be gunning for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at least one more time before he retires to retain his spot at the head of the food chain. For him to continue to defend the U.S. Championship while still being the top guy in the company wouldn’t make a ton of sense. It would bring up the value of the championship, but we know that WWE does not value it that much.
While taking away this championship would remove a possible feud at every PPV, it was a title that was falling way behind the Intercontinental Championship, which always had a place on the card. So many times before we’ve seen the U.S. title left off a big show or the title holder taking numerous losses, so it’s not like this would be a noticeable missing piece to WWE shows.
The end of the United States Championship may be imminent if it goes into the hands of John Cena. Will anyone notice if the belt is gone? Probably not.