Monday 16 February 2015



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Raw opens with Cena in the ring talking about what happened last week between him & The US Champion Rusev. He cuts a promo & talks about how he will be the 1st person to beat Rusev & win the US Title until Lana & US Champ intervene.

Lana & Rusev exchange words until it boils up to the point that Cena walks down the ramp to give Rusev a beating of his life as the WWE Universe cheers his actions until we go into commercial.

We return from the commercial as The Announcers team talks about what transpired moments ago & take us to last night's Dean's preparation for a commentator at NBA event where he talks about making BNB sign the contract for the IC Title at Fastlane.

Back in the ring Harper waits for Dean's entrance. It turns out to be a hell of fight with Harper dominating the first bit of the match as we go into commercial.

Back from commercial & we see Harper with Dean in the middle of the ring. This section belongs to Ambrose as he puts up a hell of a fight before beating Harper.

The announce team talks about The Rhodes brother's issue & the fact that Dusty will be on RAW to settle things up. Next they talk about what would be HHH's response to Sting's acceptance of the former's challenge.

Back from the commercial as we see Hunter talking to Kane backstage until Show shows up. They try to talk trash until Hunter asks them to take care of Sting & Roman/Daniel.

Next they cut a Bray Wyatt promo & now we see Dusty talking to Dust brothers. Asks them to stay together in the ring as we go into commercial.

Back & we see New Day taking on Dust brothers. Lilian talks about the entering while Dusty watches it backstage.

The problems are far from over for Dust brothers.

Backstage we see Byron interviewing Roman backstage.

Daniel enters the arena with a huge pop from the WWE Universe. It's Roman vs Kane next on RAW as we go for commercial.

Daniel joins The Announce team as Roman & Kane go head to head with The Powerhouse. Previously a tag bout if Roman-Daniel vs Show-Kane was changed into a 1 on 1 match during Hunter backstage segment.

After Roman wins the match, Daniel starts the Yes chants & the WWE Universe joins in as the Announcers talk about Sting's acceptance to Hunters challenge as we go into commercial.

We now have Divas action on RAW Live. It's Summer Rae vs Paige. Not even worth watching.

Next up is Seth vs Dolph

In the ring we see Seth talking on the mic & I must admit, he talks good on the mic but that same old crap. You gotta be kidding me. This gets too much in the face until Dolph interrupts & we get set to start the match. We go into commercial.

Back from the break, we see Cole talking about how Rollins took control of the match, thanks to J&J security. We hear 'Na na na na, hey hey hey goodbye' chants from the WWE Universe as referee asks J&J to go backstage. Nice match. Great moves. Ziggler rolls Rollins for the 3 count & so does Rollins but none could get a clear count.

The match goes well & keeps us rolling. Towards the end as Ziggler was about to get a 3 count, J&J interrupt causing disqualification. Erick & Ryback enter the ring to even the odds as we see Hunter taking a close look at the match on TV. He is up next in the ring to address Sting situation.

This moment goes high as Ric Flair interrupts. He gets a hell of a moment but it boils so much that Hunter kicks him down.

We have The Ascension vs Titus next but it's Mr. No days off Darren Young who steals the show.

Next up is Barret vs Mizdow. After many interruptions, Mizdow gets pinned by Barrett but gets a surprise as Dean makes a surprise entry, ties Barrett to the ring pole & asks him to sign the contract as we go into commercial.

Back & we see WWE cutting a Sheamus returns promo. In the ring are The Usos. Cole cuts the video of double date & how it got ruined. Next we now know that Usos defend tag titles against Kidd-Cesaro at FastLane. This would be awesome.

It's a pathetic way used by Kidd to stay in the match by tagging Nattie in more to save his a**. They loose the match & Kidd-Cesaro go crazy over Nattie.

Cole talks about Network being free for new subscribers this Feb. John tries to hype new matches & the pre-announced ones. We see Daniel heading to the ring as Roman's music hits & he is to join The Announcers for the match.

Next up is Bryan vs Show

An intense match with a great booked end. Show spears Reigns. Reigns fires back & interrupts the match causing show to win. Roman & Daniel get into a brawl as Raw goes off the air.

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