Monday 9 February 2015

WWE RAW 9th Feb Live Raw coverage

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Hello everyone & Welcome to Live Raw Coverage.

Raw opens with last week's match made by HHH for the opportunity to face Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania as Micheal Cole welcomes us to Monday Night Raw & out comes The Powerhouse Roman Reigns.

He talks about his Royal Rumble win & how he would spear anyone in his way to get an opportunity for a Title Match at Wrestlemania until The Leader of the Yes Movement Daniel Bryan interrupts. He is received with a huge Yes chant from the WWE Universe.

He says he isn't there to fight him but to Thank him for what he did last week to help him win the match against Seth Rollins. He does some comparisons & says he is a better wrestler than Roman until The Authority interrups.

They try to hype Fastlane as Steph talks about the Network being free for new subscribers for the month of Feb & Hunter hypes his confrontation with Sting as Stephanie tries to talk about Roman & Daniel's attack on Show & Kane respectively over the last few weeks & sets up a tag match between Kane & Show Vs Roman & Daniel.

The members of Team Authority face Roman & Daniel as Steph & Hunter watch at ringside. They try to cheer up their team until Show falls down from 2nd rope as the entire arena cheers for Daniel to make a tag to Roman. Show interrupts & causes a disqualification. He beats Roman with a chair before getting a superman punch from The Powerhouse as Kane attacks from behind. In an attempt to help Roman Daniel enters but ends up hitting  Roman instead which makes them fight each other as Hunter makes a handicap main event match between Roman & Bryan vs Entire Team Authority as we go to commercial.

Next up is Seth vs Ryback. The match seems to be going well until J&J security interrupt feeling that Seth may be pinned by The Big Guy leading to another disqualification. The winner is ofcourse Ryback but another DQ. Really?

Cole tries to hype the question thrown by Hunter that what would Sting do? Will he show up or not at FastLane? He wants an answer tonight & it seems like Sting might return tonight, but I speculate otherwise. I think The Viper might return tonight to confront Hunter or entire Team Authority.

Next up is Divas action with Paige taling on Brie Bella. The fight goes well until Nikki tries to get involved & ends up making Brie loose to Paige as we go backstage to see Rusev coming to the ring to honor John Cena's career. This would be good.

Rusev & Lana try to show Cena down as much as possible. They cut a promo of how & what battles Cena has been through & how he has beaten. Cena interrupts & asks Rusev to Shut up. He tries to make the segment get a hype & gets it so heated that both Rusev & Cena fight on the ramp & the stage, however Rusev hits Cena through the stage. This seems to be one heated up segement that is all boiled up.

Next up is Wyatt vs Ziggler. It is one hell of a match as both superstars give it all that they have got. It just keeps going from one way to other because at times you feel that Wyatt is winning it & next moment it is Ziggler. A wonderful match as we have two of the most amazing superstars of WWE that are at the peak of their career in WWE. Finally Wyatt wins it with a Sister Abigail. He tries to take Ziggler with him to his land of fear until the referees interrupt.

Now, Cole talks about Junkyard Dog as WWE celebrates Black History month.

Next up is Paul Heyman addressing the Wrestlemania match involving either Bryan or Reigns. This shall be the best promo of the night as we know Heyman is very good on the mic to cut his promos.

Heyman doesn't disappoint us as he cuts another amazing promo that gets the adrenaline rush for all WWE fans going into Wrestlemania in a month & a half.

Next up is Gold & Stardust vs A New Day

It's obvious that WWE wants to break the Dust team & let it go off in dust & that is what is gonna take New Day to a better level.

Cole tries to turn attention to what happened earlier today as we go backstage seeing Renee talking to Daniel about today's turn of events until Roman interrupts saying that tonite we have a common enemy The Authority. Let's work as a Team tonite & then we can take out each other at Fastlane.

Backstage we see Gold & Stardust fight each other. This means we may see the end of that team.

In the ring we see Hunter trying to hype the face to face confrontation with Sting & calls The Vigilante out however despite numerous sounds of Sting entrance theme, we don't see him coming out.

Finally, some guy walks in the ring dressed as Sting as hunter falls in the ring & we see I ACCEPT on the titantron as we go into commercial. This might be the worst promo cut in recent history of WWE.

Back from the commercial as Cole tries to update us that Cena's physical condition of his eye has worsen but Cena still vows to face Rusev at Fastlane.

Next up is The Usos vs Cesaro & Kidd

Cole takes us back to what transpired between Team Cesaro- Kidd & Usos at a restaurant. The match starts but doesn't go that well or increase the adrenal rush or the anxiousness in WWE Universe about what might transpire as a result of the match. Not really that poped up as per the set of superstars in the ring.

Cole tells us that the newest inductee into 2015 Hall Of Fame is Rikishi. WWE cuts a promo about his achievements as their sons The Usos & daughter in law Naomi celebrate it in the ring.

Backstage we see The Miz & Mizdow making it to the ring as we go into a commercial.

As we return, we see Cole hyping NXT Rival this Wednesday on WWE Network. Sin Cara is in the ring as we see the backstage promo of how Mizdow was fired last week as Stunt double but hired as Personal assistant to Miz.

Mizdow takes on Sin Cara & gets interrupted by Miz many times before loosing to Sin Cara.

Once again Booker, John & Cole hype about NXT Rival & Fastlane as we go into a backstage promo with Bray Wyatt. A wonderful promo that really sends chill down the spine.

We see The Lunatic Dean Ambrose backstage making it to the ring as we go into commercial.

Back from the break & we see Cole talking about Roman vs Daniel this Thursday on Smackdown.

In the ring we have Curtis Axek talking about his Royal Rumble moment & asks people to tweet using #AxelMania until Dean interrupts.

Next up is Curtis vs Dean

Good moves, great moments courtesy of Dean & Axel is pinned for a 3 count. Dean goes on the mic to deliver some bad news to the man who has been delivering more bad news than anyone else. He gets interrupted by BNZ saying Dean doesn't deserve a shot at the title.

Next up WWE cuts a promo of Raw & Smackdown 2014 DVD's available for sale now. More money in WWE's bank account,isn't it.

It's time for the Main Event: 5 on 2 handicap match. The Authority vs Roman & Daniel

Back from the commercial & we see WWE cutting a promo of what happened last week on Smackdown main event & how Daniel was beaten at the hands of Kane & Seth.

Back to current state we see Roman entering the ring as Daniel makes his way down the ramp to the ring. Next to enter is Team Authority.

Team Authority systematically destroys Roman & Daniel as Show & Kane take on Roman while Seth & his security take on Daniel & destroy them even before the match starts.

During the match they tag in & out while Daniel has no one to tag at all. Roman interrupts & breaks the 3 count when Kane chokeslams Daniel but is taken out by a KO punch from The Giant Big Show.

The team decides to put Daniel through the announcers desk when Dolph, Erik & The Big Guy make it down the ramp & the entire Team Authority makes it down to fight them leaving Noble & Mercury in the ring who get tossed up by Daniel until Roman tags himself in to win the main event.

This gets into a feud between Daniel & Roman & we see Daniel pushing Roman & being on the receiving end of a spear from The Powerhouse while Hunter & Stephanie look on backstage as Raw goes off the air.

Clearly a very poorly booked main event by WWE. Could have been better. Amazed they thought of going with Erik, Dolph & Ryback instead of making the Viper return & take out entire Authority or possibly Seth & his security.

Let's see how things transpire from here to next week RAW.

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