Monday 2 February 2015

WWE RAW Live Coverage 2nd Feb 2015

WWE cut the promo of Royal Rumble match & the interference by The Great One & Micheal Cole welcomes us to Monday Night Raw.

Now, The Authority music hits & they start with the SuperBowl match last night & the controversy that surrounded last night's match. HHH takes us down to the same event & shows what went down at Royal Rumble match.

The entire WWE Locker room is in attendance to hear the major announcement. As Stephanie tries to talk about why Roman Reigns shouldn't go to Wrestlemania until The Powerhouse interrupts & goes face to face with Hunter. Stephanie tries to intervene as Roman tries to put his point forward until the leader of the 'Yes' movement interrupts.

He puts his point forward that he never lost the title at the first place, until hr was stripped of it. He puts his point forward for a match until Mr. Money In The Bank Seth Rollins interrupts & tells all possible reasons why he should be at Wrestlemania. The heat is about to go higher until Hunter interrupts & proposes a match for Fast Lane & says how about Seth goes 1 on 1 with Daniel & the winner faces Roman at Fast Lane to determine the rightful winner & Roman is told to face Big Show next on Raw.

During the match Seth attacks Roman making Big Show win it as we go backstage to see Hunter & Stephanie discuss about how plans could be to make Seth headline Wrestlemania & then comes the question of Stone Cold's podcast.

Back from the break as Cole talks about the podcast until Curtis Axel enters the ring & talks about how he was attacked or else he would have been the winner of Royal Rumble match & never eliminated to which Dean Ambrose enters & eliminates Curtis by saying 'Now you are eliminated' & talks about what he wants at Fast Lane. He says he has eyes on BnB. Next, Cole takes us to the honoring of African-American people by WWE.

Back from the break & we see Gold & Stardust face The Ascension as the commentary desk starts boiling with questions & heated cconversations. The Ascension wins & it seems like the Dust Team is about to go out in dust.

Next up, Cena welcomes the re-hired buddies.

The reunion is interrupted by Stephanie McMahon who makes a match between Ryback vs Luke Harper which was awesome.

Next up is Usos vs Cesaro. Cesaro wins the match.

Micheal Cole hypes us for WWE Network for FastLane and how it comes for Free for new subscribers.

Backstage we see Miz & Mizdow who get into a war of words as Miz fires Mizdow but makes him his personal assistant. Next we see Erick thanking Cena for all that he did for him & says he would return the favor by taking on Rusev & kicking him bad.

Next Match is Wyatt vs Ziggler

A great match between Wyatt & Ziggler with many ups & downs finally goes in the record books with a win by Bray Wyatt.

Backstage we see Hunter & Stephanie still talk about what transpired at the start of RAW, until Seth interrupts to talk about not considering Bryan at all to which Stephanie says we listen to the WWE Universe & Hunter talks about how Orton couldn't cash in on the opportunity handed to him & this let's Seth joke about him.

I got a feeling that Orton might return to RAW tonight during Seth's match with Bryan & cost him the opportunity to face Roman at Fast Lane.

Next up is Divas Match: Alicia vs Paige

The match didn't even last for a minute. Why doesn't WWE take the divas division seriously? We go into commercial.

Back from the break as Micheal Cole tries to sell The Miz's special appearance episode of 'Sirrens' that airs tomorrow on USA Network.

Next up is The Miz vs Sin Cara

Miz enters the arena & Mizdow tries to copy him as a stunt double many times during the match with Sin Cara but Miz stops him & tells him about his new role. Mizdow stands silent & costs Miz the match as Sin Cara wins.

As Miz tries to question Mizdow, we suddenly see a promo of Bray Wyatt. What does this mean for Mizdow?

Next up is Rusev vs Erick Rowan

Rusev attacks Erick Rowan even before he enters the ring. The referee tries to stop Rusev but he seems adamant to hurt Erick. Does this mean a very daring & hard message for Cena going into Fast Lane. Rusev applies the hold & leaves Erick grasping for breath. Finally Lana speaks in English. She talks about the destruction caused by the Moscow Mauler.

Backstage we see Roman Reigns in his locker room & Bryan enters to talk about what happened today at start of Raw & talks about after beating Seth he would face Rollins. Roman takes that as a threat & asks Daniel to get out of the room.

It's Main Event Time: Seth vs Bryan (Winner faces Roman at Fast Lane)

Both men are fighting it out in the ring. Big show comes down to assist Seth & is at ringside with J&J Security. Roll overs by both competitors to win the match & the opportunity at Fast Lane. Nothing working for The Authority's Blue Eyed boy right now.

Off the top turnbuckle go both superstars but none want to quit & here comes The Powerhouse with a spear to Big Show & J&J along with a superman punch to Seth to help Daniel win the match.

Hunter doesn't seem to be too happy with the outcome of the match. Cole comes to the ring to congratulate him & get his thoughts as Raw goes off the air.

Don't worry, you still have more action coming, not in the ring, but on the mic with Stone Cold's podcast with Hunter. All hell is gonna break loose when Texas Rattlesnake takes on the game On Stone Cold's Podcast.

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