Monday 23 February 2015

WWE RAW 23rd Feb Live Coverage


WWE Raw started with Cole welcoming us & telling us that we are 34 days away from Wrestlemania.

Viper music hits as the WWE Universe goes mad. He takes us down memory lane from what happened 4 months ago. He calls out Seth but out comes Hunter with Steph,Show & Kane.

Steph tried to talk & make The Viper return back in The Authority but instead Randy says 'I would rather kick some ass, then kiss some ass'.

Show tries to convince Orton to be back in The Authority to which he says you want me to be a sellout.

Steph wants Randy back & asks to discuss that in a business meeting,which Orton accepts.

Cole talks about Fastlane fallout & What's next for John Cena.

John talks about Lesnar vs Reigns at Wrestlemania.

First Match of the night is BNB vs Ziggler as we go to commercial.

We see Barrett talking about how Ambrose took away the IC Title, but he was interrupted by Ziggler as R-Truth joins on commentary.

A good start to the match. We see that during the match Barrett throws Ziggler at Truth. Many 3 counts between the two & everyone thinks this might be over for him, instead it finally ends and we see Ambrose entering with the IC Title.

In the mean time we see #GiveTruthAChance trends worldwide as we go to commercial.

Back from Commercial & we see Cole selling us what happened yesterday between Hunter & Sting & what will take place at Wrestlemania.

Backstage we see the business meeting & after some discussions Orton shows that he has joined The Authority, but make no mistake about it, it will all come to an end by the end of Raw as Steph announced Orton & Rollins vs Bryan & Reigns later on tonight as we go to commercial.

Back from Commercial & we see Sheamus returns promo.

Next up is The Ascension vs Prime Time players

Great match but Ascension lost. They take their frustration out on Prime Time players.

Cole sells us Wrestlemania match between Lesnar-Reigns & says next we will hear from Reigns as we go to commercial.

Back from the commercial & we see Reigns walking down from the crowd side. He talks about how the amazing match went & called Bryan 'The Other Guy', before Bryan entered.

Bryan talks about doubters for Roman but says that after the win yesterday you have earned my respect. He says now just kick Lesnar's ass. As he was to leave the best person on the mic Paul Heyman enters.

As we all know he cuts the best promos & he sure as hell did.

Next up is Usos vs New Tag champs for The title. A phenomenal match. Great match, great moves, wonderful performance. Natalya got involved to cause a disqualification, but the Usos won. Naomi doesn't seem to be happy. We may have a match between the divas later today or some other show.

Cole talks about what will happen with Cena & what's next for Rusev after their Fastlane bout.

Up next is Bray Wyatt challenge to The Undertaker. We are about to see The Phenom return probably as we go to commercial.

Back from The Commercial, we see Miz-Mizdow talking backstage about how the latter's life has changed ever since he became Miz's personal assistant. He thanks Miz.

Back to announce table we see Cole talk about Bray's entry yesterday at Fastlane & watch that means.

We see Bray talking to the coffin backstage. He challenges Taker by saying,'Find Me', which means we may see Taker anytime soon.

Next up is Stardust vs Jack Swagger

Swagger wins with a distraction caused by Golddust as Wwe universe chants 'Corey'. This feud is far from over.

Cole talks about what they have been promoting whole day. What's next for Cena? Cena joins live as we go into commercial.

Cena talks about his loss last night vs Rusev. After a fierce confrontation, Cena proposes Cena vs Rusev for US title at Wrestlemania. Rusev denies. Guess what? This is going to happen soon.

Cole talks about what happened earlier in the day between Orton & The Authority backstage. We see Seth walking into Viper's locker room where Orton talks about being able to teach Bryan & Reigns a lesson at the end of the day. I am sure it will change by the end of the day.

We see Paige coming to the ring & it's going to be a divas action next but before that we take a look at Sting.

Axelmania is in the ring who gets fed by the hungry guy.

A special look at Sting

It's Main Event Time

Show,Kane & J&J security come along with Seth. Next in is Orton. Seth announces for his entry. Next up is Bryan & Rollins.

Match goes wonderful, with Bryan & Rollins locking horns until we go for commercial.

A great match ends with Randy RKOing Noble & making Seth get back on his feet.

What does this mean for Seth & The Authority? Find out in my next blog.

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