Sunday 30 November 2014

Has Survivor Series Revived Careers?

Indeed, this question is on everyone's mind that has the Survivor Series revived some careers? And the answer to it is ' Yes' 'Yes' 'Yes' Yes'. Ahh, we know where it is coming from, but here are the names that have had their careers revived.

1) Kane : Ever since Kane became a corporate guy, there was no answer that what will his course of action be in this role, then after a small twist & turn, we saw him being appointed as 'Director of Operations' which he tried to pull up as well as he could, but failed to impress anyone except a few decisions that seemed like he was licking 'The Authority's a**. However as soon as the event came to a close we saw him making some changes to his profile as he became a member of 'Team Authority' & turned his corporate profile to a crushing one.

Despite loosing at the event, he turned as 'Concessions Kane' thanks to Daniel Bryan & as time turned moved to Smackdown we got the indication that he would soon be back in the ring wrestling full time. Hope he gets revived & does what he does best & that is wrestle.

2) Seth Rollins : Despite being 'The Authority's favorite & the self proclaimed future of the WWE, Seth has been doing all that 'The Authority' has been asking him to do, which means he was doing all the dirty deeds that the Authority planned for those that didn't obey their orders, but now with the authority out of power & picture, we are hopeful that this former Shield member will try to use his brain & be a star performer.

If you remember on this week's edition of Raw, when Daniel Bryan took charge, the guy tried to show some guts, despite the stakes against him. Hope he would continue to be an out performer & bring in more dollars for WWE, just like he did when he was a Shield member.

and certainly last but not the least

3) Dolph Ziggler:  We all know that 'The Showoff' stole the show at 'Survivor Series' despite being put through hell by 'The Authority', despite the fact that the stakes went up to as difficult as 3:1. He defeated Kane & Luke Harper & then towards the end, kicked the hell out of the Authority, by kicking the entire team out & becoming the Sole Survivor of Team Cena.

Needless to say, the guy has shown the guts & the hard determination of not submitting to the ruthless ways of The Authority & this guy has become a fan favorite within moments. We all know that people loved him before as well, however he wasn't given WWE Championship matches as he wasn't considered that material, but after the PPV, everyone's counting on the 'Show Off' & his stakes or should I say that his fan base has increased tremendously & there are high chances that the WWE would want to push him to  championship matches among others & seize on this newly found hype for Dolph Ziggler. Hope this guy gets what he deserves.

That's all for this blog, until next time, cia!

Saturday 29 November 2014

10 ways WWE can respond to CM Punk

Read it here

Friday 28 November 2014

Ryback Says He Will Tell The Truth About CM Punk

Re-published from WrestlingInc

Ryback Says He Will Tell The Truth About CM Punk
Photo: Paul Wilford
Ryback has again responded to former WWESuperstar CM Punk's "slander" of him in an explosive two-hour interview with Colt Cabana on the "Art of Wrestling" podcast that was released Thursday (listen here).
Ryback wrote on Twitter on Friday afternoon, "Last message on this. I will tell the truth about @CMPunk comments in due time. Not once did he ever confront me. Let's all move on. Thank u."
Beginning at 51:50 in the interview, Punk griped about his experience working with Ryback, who he labeled a dangerous worker and steroid user. Punk said wrestling Ryback "took twenty years off my f--king life" and blamed him for injuring him on multiple occasions.
"I'm already beat up and I have to wrestle steroid guy," Punk said as he recalled being asked to work a program with Ryback in the fall of 2012 since management felt he could carry him in matches. "I call it like I see it. He's very hurty, sometimes deliberate. There was one time he kicked me in the stomach as hard he could and he broke my ribs, right at the tail end. I never got an apology for that. He was something else. A real piece of work that guy."
Later in interview, Punk took a jab at Triple H for failing to elevate Curtis Axel after promising he would. Punk offered to work with the third-generation wrestler, but WWE officials ignored his request. Instead, he was continuously booked in matches with Ryback—now paired with Paul Heyman—who he had requested to management to not to work with. Punk later agrees to work with him and gets injured in an encounter at Night of Champions.
"I go up to Ryan [Ryback's real name] and I go, 'Hey man, clean slate. Let's f--king kill this. Let's f--king show them that you're better than they think you are. Let's show them I'm better than they think I am and let's turn this mid-card s--t into a f--king main event," said Punk.
Imitating Ryback's voice, "'Yeah, I'm really excited, blah, blah, blah.'"
Punk recalled, "First night out, Gorilla Press through a table...f--king misses the table. Dumps me on the concrete f--king ground. Tilts my f--king pelvis, f--ks me up for weeks."
Punk said he later asked Ryback if he hurt him on purpose or if he's "dumb as f--k."
He continued to Cabana, "I'm compensating because my knee is still f--ked, both my knees, you know what I mean? The one I just had surgery on six months ago and the one that was f--king torn up and I refused to have surgery on. I just wanted to rehab it, which I did. And now it's at the point where I walk up to him and I go, 'You can't tell me you didn't do that on purpose because you've done it so many times now. You either tell me right now you're dumb as f--k and you suck, or you did it on purpose. And he was like, 'I'm dumb as f--k. I'm sorry.'"
Punk said, "At that point, there was nothing I could do. In my mind it was like, 'Great. f--k, there's nothing I can do.'"
"The Big Guy" fired back at Punk on Twitter with an image of an action figure diorama before saying, "For the record if I quit for being fragile and insecure I would make up excuses too," Ryback wrote. "Things didn't go my way for a long time and I kept going day in and out. Slander is a powerful thing and to state complete made up nonsense for no reason shows his insecurities. I will continue to bust my ass study matches every chance I get, cut promos when driving and push myself for hours on end even when hurt. Thank you."

Thursday 27 November 2014

WWE Issues Statement on CM Punk case

Re-published from Wrestling-Edge

WWE issued a statement Thursday night to Yahoo! Sports in response to an article highlighting CM Punk’s criticism of the sports-entertainment organization’s medical tactics in a podcast interview.

“WWE takes the health and wellness of its talent very seriously and has a comprehensive Talent Wellness Program that is led by one of the most well-respected physicians in the country, Dr. Joseph Maroon,” the statement reads.
Nearly ten months after his final appearance for WWE, Punk finally addressed the circumstances behind his departure from the sports-entertainment organization in an explosive two-hour interview with Colt Cabana on the “Art of Wrestling” podcast (click here to listen).
During the interview, Punk said the main reason he left the company was because of his health. He was particularly critical of Dr. Chris Amann, WWE’s Senior Ringside Physician, who misdiagnosed an MRSA infection he had on his back for months as a “fatty deposit.” A doctor with no affiliation to WWE who examined Punk said he could have died from it.
Prior to this, Punk said he was pressured on more than one occasion by WWE officials to return to action while injured.
“I got a concussion in the Royal Rumble,” Punk said, referring to the 2014 match. “It’s pretty godd*** obvious. I knew I had a concussion. Everyone knew I had a concussion. And they were like we want you to take this test and I said your test is bull***. I took the test while texting you [Colt Cabana] and listening to my headphones and I “passed” with flying colors. But then they were like we want you to go to the ring and run the ropes. And I was like but I just passed your test and they were like yeah, but we still think you have a concussion. I was like so your test is worthless. I’m not going out in the f****** ring like a two-week rookie to run the ropes in front of everybody. Let’s just call it [a concussion] now.”
Punk was also pressured to wrestle just as he was to begin rehab from elbow surgery. He recalled, “I remember when I was supposed to go back to Birmingham and get cleared before I came back to wrestle from my elbow. One day I was just at TV and it was the same thing … I’ll probably just cut a promo and then Michael Hayes comes up to me and goes, “Alright, you’re working so and so,” and I was like no I’m not. I just got this laser eye surgery and I don’t want anyone f****** up my eyes. And he’s like you really should have told somebody, and I was like told them what … my elbow! And he goes no, I just checked and they said you’re cleared. I was like I haven’t even gone to Birmingham to see Dr. [James] Andrews yet, what do you mean I’m cleared? I talked to Dr. [Chris] Amann and Dr. Amann was like I called him [Dr. Andrews] and I told him how you were and he said OK and he cleared you. I was like what kind of witch doctory bull**** is that? Like I’m going to go see him before I f****** wrestle. Book that s***, I’m not wrestling tonight.”
Punk noted that he would forward to undergoing surgery just so he could get some time off from WWE’s strenuous road schedule.

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Will Dolph be given the rise?

After a phenomenal performance at Survivor Series, do we expect Dolph to get a rise? The answer is 'Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes' & here is what makes me think so.

A new series of Dolph's T-shirts & action figures & what not has been launched by the WWE to cash-in on his recent hype, thanks to a phenomenal performance during the Survivor Series. There is a speculation that he could be raised to a 3rd level star, after Cena & Bryan so that even if Cena goes for a shoot or other events, he would be there to steal the show.

But, the hard question remains that with The Authority still at a Desk Job in WWE Headquarters, do you think the rise will be easily done? Hell, No. It is quite obvious that The Authority will leave no stone unturned to make his PayCheck rise or any other hike a Hell Ride & we may see them getting involved in some way during TLC as well.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Monday 24 November 2014

Survivor Series Results

Well, before I start this, I must admit that this was one of the biggest PPV's in a long long time. Indeed, after Wrestlemania this is a PPV that still remains in my mind, not because it is fresh, but because this revived the careers of many people. All right, all that a bit later, first let's go back to the results:

1) The Miz & Mizdow defeated the Tag Team Champions

2) Bray Wyatt defeated Dean Ambrose via DQ

3) Nikki Defeated AJ Lee

4) Team Cena defeated Team Authority

Indeed, you couldn't ask for anything more from WWE than to give some amazing performances by the power packed team on both sides. Ryback, Show, Erick Rowan on one & Harper, Henry & Kane on the other. The duo seemed to have given a worth for everyone's money by bringing on a final match that killed it  & made everyone happy as it came for free. It was one of those matches where everyone on both sides knew what they were up for & what was up for grabs. The stakes were raised high when everyone on Team Cena was told to be fired if they lost the match, although, I must admit that it raised the stakes higher for the team & also for Survivor Series making it even more amazing for all of them to be there.

The most amazing, but repetitive thing seemed when Big Show turned on Team Cena & turned Heel. It was pathetic, because he was playing well & was widely received by the WWE Universe, but he turned over, thus making the 3 people, or should I say giants Henry, Rusev, Show heel now. Isn't it ironic that despite being in the business for such a long time, Show still did this weird thing?

The best part about this was that this transformed Dolph Ziggler's career as he came out the sole survivor of Team Cena despite the odds against them. He survived all of them & made them a winner & believe me, his career would sky rocket like anything & now he could also become the #1 contender for WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

Love the PPV & waiting for Tonite's RAW!

Friday 21 November 2014

5 Reasons Why Randy Orton will return at Survivor Series

Re-published from Sportskeeda

If you’re an ardent fan or more popularly known as a hardcore fan that you know that there is a huge possibility that Orton will return this Sunday.he went out right when he had gained such a huge momentum. It made one think that Raw was Orton. And now, one of the biggest WWE PPVs is right around the corner. Orton returning to screw the Authority will be quite a welcome sight. 
Read them by clicking the link below

Thursday 20 November 2014

Rebuilding the WWE Network

Re-published from Bleacher Report

Rebuilding the WWE Network
Vince McMahon
The WWE Network is a massive diamond mine sitting under fans' feet. The trick to perfecting it will be finding a way to help fans navigate all the mine's tunnels.
The streaming service can be overwhelming.
It's bursting with years of wrestling history. Decades' worth of offerings from WCW, ECW, WCCW and WWE itself await.
Content isn't the main issue with the WWE Network, though. Rather, it's the fact that it leaves the viewer to do the work of finding his way through that mass of mat artistry.
If you know wrestling history well enough, you'll know exactly where to go to find the network's best components. Those kinds of fans don't need to be convinced to sign on for the WWE Network. They were watching old clips of battles inside Madison Square Garden from the day the network launched.
It's the casual fans who would become diehards whom WWE needs to pull in order to move past a million subscribers.
The WWE Network should guide them, cater to their tastes and intensify their love of the squared circle. It can do that by borrowing from Netflix.

Rate, Recommend, Discover
One of the best aspects of Netflix is that it begins to know you better than some of your in-laws do. The service offers up suggestions that are often spot on.
Why yes, I would love to watch this Czechoslovakian surrealist horror film from 1970. How did you know?
The WWE Network can do this as well, introducing fans to lesser-known wrestlers or finding grapplers from yesteryear they have yet to discover. The WWE Network needs a rating system where fans can give between one and five stars to individual matches and shows as a whole.
This is how the service can begin to reveal its depth to the viewer—by showing fans more of what they are into.
Should a viewer rate a lot of Luke Harper and Sheamus matches highly, the network could recommend a few Stan Hansen brawls. Should he start watching a lot of tag team matches, maybe the network suggests bouts featuring The Midnight Express.
Fans old enough to remember Starrcade 1986 would seek that event out on their own. Younger fans would likely leave it untouched, not experiencing the full scope of the network.
To go further, the WWE Network can feature a page dedicated to recommendations. It would feature oft-updated lists of places to start.
Fans open the page to find five suggestions each for categories like brawls, high-flying bouts, hardcore matches and mat-wrestling clinics. 
It should also have a section for the week's most-watched videos and the matches that have earned the highest ratings from fans. These additions offers a variety of paths to take, helping to fast-track viewers to the network's best stuff.

Feud/Storyline Playlists
A la carte matches can be plenty enjoyable. Even without proper context, it's hard not to watch Randy Savage and Tito Santana go at it on Prime Time Wrestling in 1986 without falling back in love with wrestling.
That grueling art form, though, is all about its story arcs.
The WWE Network contains some of the greatest rivalries ever contested between the ropes. They just aren't laid out for a fan to gobble up in successive bites. One has to know what to search for and then piece together the narrative himself.
In addition to the fabulous WWE Rivalries series, WWE should put together playlists of classic feuds. 
Take the award-winning Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels rivalry from 2008, for example. Offer a collection of the key matches and moments in that story in a single place, somewhere fans can digest the entirety of Jericho and Michaels' hatred at their own pace.
Suggested Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels Playlist
EventMatch/SegmentNotes/Match Type
Backlash 2008Michaels vs. BatistaJericho is guest referee.
Judgment Day 2008Michaels vs. Jericho
Raw, May 26, 2008Michaels vs. Jericho
Raw, June 9, 2008Highlight ReelWhen Jericho smashes Michaels into the Jeritron.
Night of Champions 2008Jericho vs. Kofi KingstonJericho loses IC title due to Michaels' distraction.
Great American Bash 2008Michaels vs. Jericho
Unforgiven 2008Michaels vs. JerichoUnsanctioned Street Fight
No Mercy 2008Michaels vs. JerichoLadder
Raw, Nov. 10, 2008Michaels vs. JerichoLast Man Standing
Match Info from
Put together the best of Bruno Sammartino vs. Larry Zbyszko's feud in 1980. Show fans who have only heard of The Von Erichs and The Freebirds' rivalry what it was all about. Make it easy to relive Triple H's battles with Mick Foley in 2000. 
New playlists are added over time, offering new large chunks of wrestling story to enjoy. From the Invasion storyline to The Summer of Punk, there is a long list of angles fans would love to see for the first time or experience again.

Superstar Pages
Type in Ric Flair's name into the WWE Network's search engine now, and his match with David Flair is one of the first things to pop up. Below that lies his clash with Shane Douglas at Slamboree 2000 and The Nature Boy interfering in his son's match with Dean Malenko.
If you were unfamiliar with the Hall of Famer's career and these were the first items you saw, you can't be blamed for wondering what is so great about this Flair guy.
Those items are not at all representative of Flair's career.
In addition to the search engine, there should be profile pages for some of wrestling's biggest names. Hulk Hogan, Bob Backlund and Bret Hart should definitely be among those included.
On Flair's page, for example, the curious fan will see a list of every special he is featured in.
Place the WWE Rivalries piece on his feud with Dusty Rhodes, the documentary on his career that is already on the network and theWrestleMania Rewind specials the company will likely do about him all in the same place.
Also include a section filled with his greatest matches. Here's a place to pop in a Terry Funk or Sting vs. Flair playlist as well.
Flair-obsessed fans have hours of material laid out in front of them. Those less knowledgeable about his legendary career have a far better entry point to discovering his work.

Other Content
The more exclusive content WWE can offer, the more desirable the WWE Network becomes.
The on-demand archive is immense. While adding more material from the video libraries (e.g., stuff from Memphis Wrestling) would be welcome, there are a number of small items WWE can easily add to the streaming service.
The JBL Show is consistently one of the most entertaining and surprising shows WWE produces. It's random, fun and unexpected. Why not move that from its current home on YouTube to the WWE Network?
There are enough old episodes to get fans intrigued. Putting future editions of the show on the network is a no-brainer.
Give Zack Ryder a show while you're at it. The little-used and currently injured Superstar was at his most entertaining when he showed an unfiltered side of himself on his YouTube shows.
He first brought us Z! True Long Island Story a few years ago, a short glimpse into his life and showcase of his sense of humor. It often garnered over 300,000 views. 
More recently, he created Zack Ryder's Last ReZort, which acted as a place for him to vent. It featured elements of him we never saw on TV.
WWE might as well make the most of Ryder's spot on the roster. Letting him do a show of his own (with minimal micromanaging from the company) would lead to a fun addition to the network.
It's smart to also borrow items that currently broadcast on YouTube, including press conferences before big events like WrestleMania and SummerSlam, as well as Superstar appearances at Comic-Con shows.
Sting's surprise appearance at San Diego Comic-Con this year should have aired on the WWE Network after much teasing of something big happening.
Lastly, a more costly option is to film one house show a week and air it on the network. It doesn't have to have the same production value as the weekly programming. It would actually give the show a special feel if the film quality were a bit rougher.
Fun moments occur on these shows, and being able to access them on the WWE Network ups the service's value. Imagine seeing Cody Rhodes hit a moonsault off the top of the cage or German goalkeeper Tim Wiese stare down Goldust and Stardust.

Additional Depth, Early Looks at Today's Stars
The WWE Network, as expansive as it is, doesn't have everything in the company's collection. 
There are no editions of Raw from 2000, 2003, 2004 or 2007-2009. SmackDown's archive is missing everything from 2008-2011. Eventually, WWE has to fill in those gaps.
What if a fan wants to see CM Punk vs. Jeff Hardy's animosity boil over on SmackDown in 2009? What if he wants to see The Radicalz tear it up in 2000?
Beyond that, it's odd that WWE doesn't also throw in shows like Heavyweight Wrestling, Tuesday Night Titans or Shotgun Saturday Night. There are numerous underappreciated and little-known gems to be discovered on those programs.
If the WWE Network is supposed to be designed for the insatiable WWE fan, it's best to fill it with all the odds and ends available. Why not give fans options on top of options?
Material from those defunct shows is also a way to look back at how today's biggest names got their start. Each week, WWE could roll out a new batch of matches featuring the early days of current stars.
Feature Brock Lesnar's matches from Ohio Valley Wrestling. Give fans a look at Triple H's WCW career. Offer Daniel Bryan fanatics more of his in-ring wizardry to enjoy.
Bryan's first forays into WWE were often in dark matches and shows many of today's fans haven't seen (e.g., WWF Jakked). Introduce these matches during "Daniel Bryan" week:
  • American Dragon vs. Spanky: Jakked—Dec. 11, 2000
  • Bryan Danielson vs. Jamie Noble: Velocity—Jan. 12, 2003
  • American Dragon vs. Rico: Sunday Night Heat—Feb. 3, 2003
  • American Dragon vs. John Cena: Velocity—Feb. 4, 2003
  • American Dragon and John Walters vs. Paul London and Spanky: Velocity—Nov. 11, 2003

That method balances nostalgia with enjoyment of the current product. It gives fans one more reason to carve out time to soak all this sports entertainment up. 
A big part of getting subscribers to sign on and stick around is to have them psyched about future binge-watching sessions they are going to have. With a Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart playlist loaded up, an Undertaker profile page to explore and Cena's days in WWE developmental to discover, a fan is set for a WWE-induced coma.
That's the direction the WWE needs to go, taking viewers down the long road that is pro wrestling's timeline. 

Wednesday 19 November 2014

What might happen next?

With the inclusion of Erick Rowan & Ryback into Team Cena, we can be rest assured that the fight for supremacy & to kick The Authority out of power would be awesome, but does it put an end to the problems that people in Team Cena would endure?

Of course not, in-case you remember what The Authority said on Chris Jericho's 'Highlight Reel' that if they win the traditional survivor series match then it will be hell to pay for people that support Team Cena & it's members. Now, what does that indicate? It surely does indicate that The Authority would be winning the match at Survivor Series & ensure that they inflict pain on every member of Team Cena & then take this feud to TLC so that they can make money out of this feud that stars the people's champ John Cena.

What do you think? Tell me, I await your response.

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Is Team Cena Strong enough now?

Did you watch Monday Night Raw? What do you feel about the Contract Signing? Well, to keep it SSS (Short Sweet & Simple), it was one hell of a power packed ending to the amazing show with Ryback & Erick Rowan joining hands with Team Cena, but, do you think that this will change the landscape of the Survivor Series 5 on 5 traditional elimination match?

To be true, the cards are stacked against Team Authority & you know why? Well, the most simple reason being that except Kane & Mark Henry, there seems to be no player that has ever been in a traditional survivor series match & they have never experienced it first hand what it feels like to be in such a situation where the odds can come down to 4:1 or 2:3.

Why do I think that Team Cena has got it? Well, the obvious reason being that the team has 4 veterans in it, namely Show, Cena, Ryback & Dolph. They have been in such amazing situations in the past & know what's at stake & how can it all come down, but are we sure that Team Cena really stands a chance?

We can not be sure about it as Team Authority has the Moscow Mauler Rusev by their side who has been undefeated since his debut, the we have the World's Strongest Man Mark Henry by their side & to top it all, the Demon Kane is always there to unleash pain. However, Team Authority would have wanted the veteran Viper Randy Orton to be on their side instead of Luke Harper, as he has the experience & that cuningness to destroy the opposite team, but he was destroyed already by Team Authority few weeks back which could go against them.

With the landscape of the WWE shifting & shuflling ahead of Survivor Series, whose Side are you?

Monday 17 November 2014

WWE Raw preview: Survivor Series teams set to be confirmed on Monday night

Re-Published from SkySports

Triple H and Stephanie McMahon need one more Superstar ahead of Survivor Series
Triple H and Stephanie McMahon need one more Superstar ahead of Survivor Series
Two of the most sought-after vacancies in WWE could be filled on Monday Night Raw.
Team Cena and Team Authority each need one more member to round off their Survivor Series squads before they do battle in St Louis, Missouri on Sunday night, live on Sky Sports Box Office.
John Cena’s group also features Dolph Ziggler, Sheamus and Big Show, while The Authority will be represented by Seth Rollins, Kane, Rusev and Mark Henry – but who will be each brood’s No 5?
Luke Harper intimated he wanted to band with The Authority when he attacked Ziggler at the denouement of last Monday’s Raw, so will the former Wyatt Family charge get the nod?
And what of Ryback, a man who has so far resisted the overtures of both Team Cena and Team Authority and who battered Kane with a steel chair on the most recent Friday Night Smackdown?
It’s imperative The Authority get their pick right as if Triple H’s gang are conquered by Cena and his cohorts at Survivor Series they will be out of power. High stakes indeed…
Tune into Raw to see how the Survivor Series landscape shifts – and to discover how AJ Lee and Dean Ambrose react to their beatings at the hands of Nikki Bella and Bray Wyatt respectively.
Divas Champion Lee was clobbered by her Survivor Series opponent on Raw, while Ambrose received a Sister Abigail into a wall from his Sunday-night foe on Smackdown.
Expect a strong response…