Tuesday 18 November 2014

Is Team Cena Strong enough now?

Did you watch Monday Night Raw? What do you feel about the Contract Signing? Well, to keep it SSS (Short Sweet & Simple), it was one hell of a power packed ending to the amazing show with Ryback & Erick Rowan joining hands with Team Cena, but, do you think that this will change the landscape of the Survivor Series 5 on 5 traditional elimination match?

To be true, the cards are stacked against Team Authority & you know why? Well, the most simple reason being that except Kane & Mark Henry, there seems to be no player that has ever been in a traditional survivor series match & they have never experienced it first hand what it feels like to be in such a situation where the odds can come down to 4:1 or 2:3.

Why do I think that Team Cena has got it? Well, the obvious reason being that the team has 4 veterans in it, namely Show, Cena, Ryback & Dolph. They have been in such amazing situations in the past & know what's at stake & how can it all come down, but are we sure that Team Cena really stands a chance?

We can not be sure about it as Team Authority has the Moscow Mauler Rusev by their side who has been undefeated since his debut, the we have the World's Strongest Man Mark Henry by their side & to top it all, the Demon Kane is always there to unleash pain. However, Team Authority would have wanted the veteran Viper Randy Orton to be on their side instead of Luke Harper, as he has the experience & that cuningness to destroy the opposite team, but he was destroyed already by Team Authority few weeks back which could go against them.

With the landscape of the WWE shifting & shuflling ahead of Survivor Series, whose Side are you?

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