Sunday 30 November 2014

Has Survivor Series Revived Careers?

Indeed, this question is on everyone's mind that has the Survivor Series revived some careers? And the answer to it is ' Yes' 'Yes' 'Yes' Yes'. Ahh, we know where it is coming from, but here are the names that have had their careers revived.

1) Kane : Ever since Kane became a corporate guy, there was no answer that what will his course of action be in this role, then after a small twist & turn, we saw him being appointed as 'Director of Operations' which he tried to pull up as well as he could, but failed to impress anyone except a few decisions that seemed like he was licking 'The Authority's a**. However as soon as the event came to a close we saw him making some changes to his profile as he became a member of 'Team Authority' & turned his corporate profile to a crushing one.

Despite loosing at the event, he turned as 'Concessions Kane' thanks to Daniel Bryan & as time turned moved to Smackdown we got the indication that he would soon be back in the ring wrestling full time. Hope he gets revived & does what he does best & that is wrestle.

2) Seth Rollins : Despite being 'The Authority's favorite & the self proclaimed future of the WWE, Seth has been doing all that 'The Authority' has been asking him to do, which means he was doing all the dirty deeds that the Authority planned for those that didn't obey their orders, but now with the authority out of power & picture, we are hopeful that this former Shield member will try to use his brain & be a star performer.

If you remember on this week's edition of Raw, when Daniel Bryan took charge, the guy tried to show some guts, despite the stakes against him. Hope he would continue to be an out performer & bring in more dollars for WWE, just like he did when he was a Shield member.

and certainly last but not the least

3) Dolph Ziggler:  We all know that 'The Showoff' stole the show at 'Survivor Series' despite being put through hell by 'The Authority', despite the fact that the stakes went up to as difficult as 3:1. He defeated Kane & Luke Harper & then towards the end, kicked the hell out of the Authority, by kicking the entire team out & becoming the Sole Survivor of Team Cena.

Needless to say, the guy has shown the guts & the hard determination of not submitting to the ruthless ways of The Authority & this guy has become a fan favorite within moments. We all know that people loved him before as well, however he wasn't given WWE Championship matches as he wasn't considered that material, but after the PPV, everyone's counting on the 'Show Off' & his stakes or should I say that his fan base has increased tremendously & there are high chances that the WWE would want to push him to  championship matches among others & seize on this newly found hype for Dolph Ziggler. Hope this guy gets what he deserves.

That's all for this blog, until next time, cia!

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