Monday 24 November 2014

Survivor Series Results

Well, before I start this, I must admit that this was one of the biggest PPV's in a long long time. Indeed, after Wrestlemania this is a PPV that still remains in my mind, not because it is fresh, but because this revived the careers of many people. All right, all that a bit later, first let's go back to the results:

1) The Miz & Mizdow defeated the Tag Team Champions

2) Bray Wyatt defeated Dean Ambrose via DQ

3) Nikki Defeated AJ Lee

4) Team Cena defeated Team Authority

Indeed, you couldn't ask for anything more from WWE than to give some amazing performances by the power packed team on both sides. Ryback, Show, Erick Rowan on one & Harper, Henry & Kane on the other. The duo seemed to have given a worth for everyone's money by bringing on a final match that killed it  & made everyone happy as it came for free. It was one of those matches where everyone on both sides knew what they were up for & what was up for grabs. The stakes were raised high when everyone on Team Cena was told to be fired if they lost the match, although, I must admit that it raised the stakes higher for the team & also for Survivor Series making it even more amazing for all of them to be there.

The most amazing, but repetitive thing seemed when Big Show turned on Team Cena & turned Heel. It was pathetic, because he was playing well & was widely received by the WWE Universe, but he turned over, thus making the 3 people, or should I say giants Henry, Rusev, Show heel now. Isn't it ironic that despite being in the business for such a long time, Show still did this weird thing?

The best part about this was that this transformed Dolph Ziggler's career as he came out the sole survivor of Team Cena despite the odds against them. He survived all of them & made them a winner & believe me, his career would sky rocket like anything & now he could also become the #1 contender for WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

Love the PPV & waiting for Tonite's RAW!

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