Saturday 3 January 2015

Is 'The New Day' loosing it's charm?


Has 'The New Day' fallen apart even before it could rise to the charts of being a powerful group in the WWE? Well, the story seems so. The current state in the WWE is that the Team of Kofi, Xavier & Big E has been given the push it required, but they have fallen flat & have not been able to connect with the WWE Universe as they could singly or should I say alone. So what should the WWE do?

Well, the basic reason the WWE seemed to have made this new group was to be the opposite of the destructive group 'The Shield', but unlike Shield the group lacks the direction, vision & a goal. Unlike 'The Shield' that could connect with the WWE Universe & all it's members could gain popularity despite being new, the members of 'The New Day' are unable to connect with the Universe.

It may come as a setback for WWE story writers because they wanted to push the careers of these superstars by forming a new group, which doesn't seem to be going as thought, so I think it is better that they put this group on hold or break it up to give the performers/superstars career a push.

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