Monday 12 January 2015

WWE Raw results: Seth Rollins makes statement of intent to John Cena and Brock Lesnar as Daniel Bryan confirms Royal Rumble comeback

Re-published from Independent

                                                                      Seth Rollins stands tall with the Authority

Raw in New Orleans, and unsurprisingly, after last week’s Authority comeback, it was John Cena who came out to open proceedings. He gave the usual spiel about Ryback, Dolph Ziggler and Erick Rowan’s dismissals and the usual spiel about winning the Heavyweight Championship, saying that if he wins then he won’t fight until the trio are given their jobs back.

Triple H and Stephanie then came out to rebuke Cena and let him know that if he won his match tonight, then all three superstars would be able to return to the WWE. The fight would be a lumberjack match between Cena and Seth Rollins, and it was first up.
As soon as the match started, Rollins tried to throw Cena out of the ring at every possible opportunity so that he was at the mercy of the lumberjacks – who coincidentally were all heels. When Rollins left the ring, he was left untouched with J&J Security protecting him. Unsurprisingly Rollins was in control before Cena made his trademark ‘comeback’, only for the lumberjacks to intervene and pull Rollins away.

Both wrestlers got a number of near pins but after Cena hit the Attitude Adjustment, he got dragged outside of the ring and attacked. When he got back in, Rollins looked for the Curb Stomp, only for Cena to counter with the FU. But again, Cena got dragged out and then knocked out by Big Show. Leaving Rollins to cover his opponent and get the win.
In the back Stephanie had some more bad news for supporters of Team Cena, Jimmy Uso’s wife Naomi would be competing with her arm tied behind her back, and Dean Ambrose would be undergoing psychological evaluation and if he didn’t pass, he wouldn’t be allowed to compete at the Royal Rumble.

New Day had a chance for revenge after last week’s attack by Tyson Kidd and Cesaro as they faced them in tag-team action. Kidd and Cesaro started the strongest but when Xavier Woods was tagged in, the tempo changed and a devastating double move on Kidd gave New Day the win.
Big Show attacks Roman Reigns after his win over Luke HarperBig Show attacks Roman Reigns after his win over Luke Harper
Roman Reigns and Big Show had a few choice words to say to each other before Reigns’ match against Luke Harper. The match was a physical one that swung back and forth and even when Reigns hit his trademark Superman Punch, he still couldn’t keep Harper down. He only got the win after Harper went for his discus clothesline only for Roman to spear him and get the three count, before Big Show attacked him afterwards and left him lying in the ring.
A one-armed Naomi was up in action against Alicia Fox next who was intent on toying with her opponent. Naomi flew out of the blocks though and kept Fox on the floor but when Fox did manage to fight back, a Scissor Kick from her easily got her the win.
The Miz against Jey Uso was the next match of the night. Jimmy was in control for most of the fight but when The Usos got involved in a ‘tug-of war’ with Miz and Mizdow, Miz took advantage of the confusion and hit the Skull-Crushing Finale to pick up the victory.
Fan favourite Daniel Bryan came out to discuss returning to wrestling and winning the Royal Rumble. Stephanie interrupted and the two had the usual ding-dong before Stephanie announced that Bryan would make his return on Smackdown against the man who sidelined him, Kane. Corporate Kane came out but before he could do anything, Bryan attacked him relentlessly before he was pulled off and the Corporate Machine retreated to the back.
Daniel Bryan attacks Kane on his return to RawDaniel Bryan attacks Kane on his return to Raw
A Divas match now between Paige and Brie Bella. Brie was in control throughout and got the win after wrapping Paige up in a small package after Tyson Kidd – who was with Natalya supporting the English woman – distracted both Paige and the official.
Another tag-team match now with new boys The Ascension squaring off against some local lads. The match lasted around 10 seconds after some poor little boy was on the end of The Fall of Man.
Rusev knees Dean Amrose in the mid-sectionRusev knees Dean Amrose in the mid-section
Rusev and Lana came out to boast about Ryback being fired before launching into the usual anti-American monologue. Dean Ambrose interrupted though and just as he was about to attacked the Russian/Bulgarian just before the bell went. Rusev took advantage of Ambrose’s physical Ambulance match last week and kept the Lunatic Fringe off guard for most of the match. In fact Ambrose was struggling so much that the official had to call of the match, must to the dismay of Ambrose and delight of Rusev.
Rollins (with the Authority), Lesnar (with Paul Heyman) and Cena sign the Royal Rumble contractRollins (with the Authority), Lesnar (with Paul Heyman) and Cena sign the Royal Rumble contract
To finish off RAW we had a contract singing between John Cena, Seth Rollins and Brock Lesnar for their Heavyweight Championship triple-threat match at the Royal Rumble. We had the standard arguing before Lesnar German-Suplexed his two rivals, Cena AA’d Lesnar through a table, then Rollins Curb-Stomped both men.

Rollins hits WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar with a curb stompRollins hits WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar with a curb stomp

Seth Rollins DEF John Cena
New Day DEF Tyson Kidd & Cesaro
Roman Reigns DEF Luke Harper
Alicia Fox DEF Naomi
The Miz DEF Jey Uso
Brie Bella DEF Paige
The Ascension DEF local talent
Rusev DEF Dean Ambrose

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