Wednesday 21 January 2015

What does Sting's return mean for other WWE superstars


The Vigilante 'Sting' returned this week on Raw during Cena's Handicap Match & while the entire Authority was busy figuring out what has happened, Cena rolled Rollins shoulders to the mat for the 3 count.
As HHH was very annoyed at the fact that Sting put his nose in the Authority's business & cost them another match, it sure as hell comes as a signal of many more harsh decisions that the Authority would put the superstars through that it has been preying on. Here is what we could expect in coming weeks.

It comes as no surprise that possibly the 3 returning employees will open next week's Raw to probably give a huge push to what went down, however, it is seemingly possible that The Authority may open Raw & talk about what went down & then Sting or these returning superstars may interrupt them for good. However, that seems to be the story of next week. What about this week? Well, here is what I speculate.

We all know that Daniel Bryan has been on the authority's torture list & with the fuel Sting added to it, we may see him getting punished more & more during this week's Smackdown tapings. Of course, Cena will be on the receiving end of many more harsh decisions from the authority & so would be Dolph, Erick & The Big Guy Ryback. It is obvious that they will be called cheaters by the authority & it's kissers(you know what kissers).

Over the last few weeks Roman Reigns has also been talking anti-authority a lot & with the authority completely mad about what transpired on Raw, in-case, he steps or speaks against the authority, then the powerhouse may get very harsh situations to deal with this Smackdown.

The Lunatic guy 'Dean Ambrose' has gone anti-authority ever since he returned back on Smackdown after the Ambulance Match on Raw. He could be on the receiving end of the wrath by the authority.

Let's wait to find out how Sting's return would impact other superstars in the WWE.

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