Thursday 22 January 2015

Which Tag Teams can break at Royal Rumble?

WWE Royal Rumble happens to be a PPV that has many stories & many superstars in the ring at the same time & it is a possibility that the 30 Man match could turn some friends into foes & start some new feuds. There is a huge possibility that many tag teams may be split come Royal Rumble.

I take a look at some of the possible teams that could break up at Royal Rumble:

1) The Miz & Mizdow : We know that over the past few days, Mizdow has been more popular amongst the WWE universe for his stunt double activities for The Miz. He has seen a better pop from the crowd than the so called "The Most Must-See WWE Superstar" & it comes as no surprise that in an attempt to headline Wrestlemania or to start a new storyline between Miz & Sandow, the WWE Creative Team could make Mizdow throw Miz from the ring, either intentionally or mistakenly & then  make Mizdow go against The Miz & that could help Sandow get a better & established character than being Miz's stunt double.

2) GoldDust & StarDust: As awkward these two superstars look right now & the way they have been adding no value to any tag team storyline in the past few weeks, it is possible that the WWE creative team could make them split to make a name for themselves instead of being together & doing nothing. It is of extreme importance to all of us that except winning the Tag Team Gold once, they haven;t been any more valuable. The WWE hasn't seen a very powerful WWE Universe Acceptance right now & they might be keen on making them part ways (story wise).

and the biggest one now-a-days:

3) Kane & Big Show: It seems like Kane & Big Show are going hand in hand right now while working under 'The Authority's leadership, but at the Royal Rumble Match & with the opportunity to headline Wrestlemania, it might be a possibility, that the duo might lock horns to beat one another & get the biggest opportunity.

Let's see how it unfolds at Royal Rumble.

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