It’s not uncommon for WWE to punish those they don’t like by forcing them to do something embarrassing or degrading on-screen. Given the nature of the business and the prevalence of ribbing, it’s no surprise that Vince and the creative minds behind the product would chose to use their TV presence to get back at those who they’ve felt have wronged them in some way.

Just look at the amount of times Jim Ross has been humiliated in Oklahoma, or the various ridiculous storylines given to Big Show and Mark Henry when WWE felt they weren’t getting a good enough return on their significant investment. If you’re a WWE superstar, you just have to accept that sometimes the company may be a little bit vindictive and send a message to you by throwing egg on your face in front of millions.
And it’s not just the male performers that are punished in this manner. On the contrary, WWE are an equal opportunities company (Ha!) and won’t hesitate to put their female stars in compromising positions, should they feel they need to be taken down a peg or two or reprimanded for some breach of backstage etiquette.
Here we are, less than a month into 2016 and, despite WWE being PG and involved in anti-bullying campaigns (as well as being in the middle of some sort of ‘Divas Revolution’), we’ve already seen this unfold on WWE television. It’s not the first time and I doubt it’ll be the last.