Saturday, 30 January 2016

7 Problems With The WWE Fastlane 2016 Main Event

Republished from Whatculture


In case you somehow missed it, the main event for Fastlane 2016 is Roman Reigns versus Brock Lesnar versus Dean Ambrose, in a triple threat to decide who will go on to face WWE Champion Triple H in the main event of WrestleMania 32.
How WWE ever came up with this booking is a complete and utter mystery. It isn’t that it is necessarily a bad match; the in-ring action should be very good, but it is devoid of any narrative sense. It’s just a baffling booking.
Far from helping any of the men involved, it is only going to devalue their characters and make their prospects much worse. Frankly, it is as if WWE’s creative has lost all sight of anyone not called Triple H on their roster. Either that, or the company is just totally out of whack with the audience, who are likely to react very badly to the expected Roman Reigns victory.
Indeed, the expected match lay out is as follows: Brock Lesnar will be attacked and taken out by Bray Wyatt, with Reigns and Ambrose left to battle it out. After a valiant back and forth, Reigns would then score the pin over his comrade. It sets up Reigns versus Triple H, Lesnar versus Wyatt, and it leaves ammunition for Ambrose turning in the post-Mania season.
However, as the following points demonstrate, it is a booking that could backfire severely on WWE’s WrestleMania season vision.

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