Friday 26 December 2014

Is Rusev Vs Ryback US Title on the cards?


Rusev & Ryback have not been seeing eye to eye for a long time & we all know that the same took place on Super Smackdown when Rusev kicked Ryback in the face.

Ever since Rusev did the cowardly act, he has been on an amazing spree, as we all know that during the WWE's special edition of Tribute to the Troops, when he got confronted by Daniel Bryan & members of the US Troops, there were speculations that The Big Guy would come over to hit The Moscow Mauler but that didn't happen.

As WWE wanted to cash in on this  new feud, The Hot Rod hosted a special Christmas Edition of Pipers Pit & hell yeah we saw Rowdy Piper calling in his help as The Big Guy & towards the end we saw Rusev showing in his US championship & Ryback looking at it.


I am sure that the WWE would like to cash on it & make it a Rusev-Ryback feud at Royal Rumble for the US Title. We all know that Rusev isn't American & he continues to disrespect the US which could go against WWE & probably a lot of WWE Universe members don't like to see a man disrespecting their country while holding the title, so probably the WWE would want him to loose it to Ryback at Royal Rumble & then be a part of the Royal Rumble Match to showcase his skills.


The possibility is that they would like to make him feud with someone else later in the event & then make it go on to cash on it at Wrestlemania.

Let's wait to see how this story unfolds.

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