Saturday 27 December 2014

Triple Threat Match at Wrestlemania!

We all know that the WWE has been trying to bring back Triple H to active competition & there was a possibility that with the entrance of Sting, the aforesaid angle was about to pick up until a feud or should I say difference of opinion started between Vince & HHH & they decided to put off the return. No wonder, we don't see Sting back since Survivor Series.

However the WWE creative team is planning to bring back Taker with a Triple Threat Match angle for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania & that seems legitimate as well, as the WWE knows that Taker has been a huge reason for their Wrestlemania Ticket sale & ever since he lost to Lesnar last year, the thrill between WWE Universe for Wrestlemania seems to have soaked away.

The possibility of bringing back Taker seems to be on a high as that could see a jump in Wrestlemania Ticket sales & more than that it could also come back as a revenge to loosing to Lesnar last year at Wrestlemania, which also means that we may not see Lesnar loosing to John Cena at Royal Rumble, however that needs to be checked as Lesnar is yet to re-sign with WWE. It seems to be a great deal

Let's see how the storyline unfolds.

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