Wednesday 3 December 2014

Was this Raw Repetiive?

Did you feel the fact that Raw this week was repetitive? Do you feel that the Anonymous Computerized Raw General Manager was pathetic than the Authority? And Hell Yeah, the way Micheal Cole quoted his words was even weird.

The same old John Cena hype towards the start of the show was again expected, his championship opportunity on the line & that same old 3 on 3 towards the finale was so repetitive, that it feels like I watched the last week's show again. I know a lot of you would say that the Raw episode goes  like this after every PPV, but is it always that way? Not really, but ever since The Authority left us, we have not seen any sheer excitement, expect last week, as that was the 1st week & everyone wanted to cash in the hype created by Team Cena winning at Survivor Series.

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