Tuesday 9 December 2014

WWE TLC 2014 : 5 Possible Returns that could happen at the Pay-Per-View

Re-published from Sportskeeda

We are just a week away from the last stop before Road to WrestleMania. The WWE Universe hasn’t still recovered from the hangover of Survivor Series as it was a ground breaking pay-per-view to say the least.
The WWE writers will have a tough time following up the Survivor Series and the ‘Road to WrestleMania’ factor adds some extra pressure on the shoulders. Vince McMahon is running low on a depleted roster at the moment and will be looking to fill the voids up before entering the most important phase of the year.
We can expect a number of returns at TLC because of this and here are some of the names whose return could make headlines for the PPV. 

#5 Bad News Barrett

Bad News Barrett - WWE TLC 2014 : 5 Possible Returns that could happen at the Pay-Per-View
The British Brawler was making his way up the WWE ladder when he dislocated his shoulder. Everyone had high hopes for his Intercontinental championship run but unfortunately all that came to an abrupt ending.
He did leave a big void in the midcard and WWE has been struggling to fill that ever since. Currently, Luke Harper and Dolph Ziggler are working out for the IC title scene and no one would frown if Barrett gets added in as a third man.
These three could work a feud all the way to WrestleMania but before that WWE should protect both Harper and Ziggler at TLC. The best way for that would be to let Barrett interfere and ruin the ladder match by taking the title away. 

#4 Rey Mysterio

Rey Mysterio  - WWE TLC 2014 : 5 Possible Returns that could happen at the Pay-Per-View
Rey Mysterio has spent more than a decade in the WWE. After all those years, one would assume that he is a loyal servant to the company but that hasn’t been the case. The relationship between WWE and Rey hasn’t been going good lately.
Mysterio apparently wants to see out his WWE contract and move out to Mexico. However, Vince is not keen on that idea. He wants the master of 619 back before the WrestleMania period and from the looks of it, this will probably be Mysterio’s last spell in WWE.
Bringing him back in Royal Rumble is an option but that wouldn’t serve the purpose of showing Rey as an important player. TLC on the other hand would completely focus the spotlight on him and that would be a good decision. 

#3 Roman Reigns

Roman Reigns - WWE TLC 2014 : 5 Possible Returns that could happen at the Pay-Per-View
From what we know, WWE is planning to let Roman Reigns defeat Brock Lesnar at next year’s WrestleMania. This is supposed to stamp his place as a main event star and give him a title reign at the same time.
Reigns was clearly on that path a few months ago, but unfortunately the injury worked against him. The company has been keeping him on Television with some satellite interviews over the course of his injury and Reigns did promise about returning soon.
He is advertised for the SmackDown after TLC which means that Reigns will be returning before that. With Rollins and Cena locking horns at the pay-per-view, Reigns could come back and relaunch his feud with Rollins or give a dream scenario with the Cenation leader. 

#2 Randy Orton

Randy Orton  - WWE TLC 2014 : 5 Possible Returns that could happen at the Pay-Per-View
WWE decided to give Randy Orton some time off while they were preparing for Survivor Series. It was a hard decision to digest considering how big the pay-per-view was. However, since everything went well, there weren’t many complaints raised.
Royal Rumble will be an entirely different case. Orton should be back for a match at the Rumble and the opening is there at TLC itself.
It was Seth Rollins that took Orton out of action and Rollins will be at a dead end after his match with Cena. So what WWE could do is let Rollins spark a feud with the returning Orton and work all the way to Royal Rumble. Cena on the other hand could go on to face Lesnar for the Championship making Rumble card look credible. 

#1 Triple H

Triple H  - WWE TLC 2014 : 5 Possible Returns that could happen at the Pay-Per-View
After what went down at Survivor Series, the Authority is supposed to be dead but Hunter alone isn’t the Authority. He is clearly a big draw for the WrestleMania season and the creative team should bring Hunter back at the earliest in order to build up for the matches he is going to have.
They need not bring back Hunter as an authority figure. Instead, he should be returning as an ordinary wrestler in the roster. The WWE Universe saw him as a suited guy for the whole of this year with occasional matches and Triple H shedding that image will be a great angle.
He has a score to settle with Sting first of all and if the icon is not available before WrestleMania, the company could always book youngsters like Ryback or Ziggler against the Game. For that, Triple H needs to return first and TLC is the ideal place. 

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