Sunday 21 December 2014

Rusev vs Ryback: The next thing in WWE

Is WWE looking at making Ryback the next opponent against Rusev? Indeed, that is what seems to be the case. If you take a look at what happened during the Super Smackdown episode on December 16th, 2014, this seems to be the reality.

WWE has tried to put up some o it's best & biggest athletes or should I say superstars to test against The Moscow Mauler, namely The World's Strongest Man Mark Henry, The World's Largest Athlete The Big Show, even Jack Swagger, despite it seems funny that when giants couldn't get the job done, why did the WWE play a card on Swagger. The possible reason could be that they wanted to raise the stakes of Patriotism & new they have The Big Guy Ryback coming head to head for a challenge.

Despite the storyline pulling up very slowly, there are huge chances that the WWE would like to cash in on the recent hype & WWE Universe acceptance, love for The Big Guy & there are huge chances that Rusev might be the next one to be fed to Ryback.

Let's wait & see how this storyline progresses.

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