Wednesday 17 December 2014

Roman Reigns, The New Sales House

Roman Reigns, the powerhouse of the WWE recently returned to give Big Show a taste of his own medicine at TLC, but has he been called back to increase the sales & stipulation of the 1st PPV of WWE in 2015?

If you take a look at the facts around, it becomes pretty obvious that WWE has been struggling with some new & fresh storylines as the same Cena-Rollins, Bray-Dean Feud had been continuing to sell some tickets in the past PPV's. No wonder, that they tried to make all the feuds very personal so that the interest of the WWE Universe could be roped in & except for the Veteran John Cena Around, there wasn't anything else that could help sell the tickets. The power to the ticket sale was given by The Authority & ever since they have been out of power & out of the TV programming, WWE had been looking & thinking of ways to curb-stop the deficit it was receiving or had thought of receiving in the upcoming PPV's.

So, it becomes no wonder that Roman Reigns was called back to appear on TV to boost up the sales for Royal Rumble & to add excitement along with some new feuds that could keep the WWE bank account in order. It comes as no wonder that they tried to use Roman Reigns declare his Royal Rumble Match participation & his powerful position at TLC itself to help boost the sale of Royal Rumble tickets as he was a loved superstar when he was forced to stay away due to Injury & continues to do so today.

It may come as no wonder, if they try to let him feud with Seth Rollins as he had mentioned it in his past interviews that once he is back he would put Seth where he rightfully belongs. Waiting to see, what next will be brewing in up before Royal Rumble & you can Believe That!

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