Friday 12 December 2014

Report: WWE Making Early WrestleMania 31 Plans for the Undertaker

Re-published from Bleacher Report

(Credit: Gaye Gerard/Getty Images )

In one of the most shocking moments in WWE history, The Undertaker's legendary 21-0 undefeated streak at WrestleMania was broken by Brock Lesnar this year. Throw in the veteran's age, 49, and various injuries and ailments, and it's understandable why some fans may have thought his time in wrestling was done.
But per a recent report, this may not necessary be the case. As DaveMeltzer notes in this week's (subscribers-only) Wrestling Observer NewsletterWWE is making tentative plans for the wrestler to have a match at WrestleMania 31 next year in Santa Clara, California—all depending on whether he feels he's up to it, of course.
Meltzer notes:
The booking plan right now is for Undertaker vs. Wyatt, not Sting orLesnar, but that is dependent on Undertaker giving them the okay he can wrestle on the show, which he has not done as of yet. But even if he doesn’t wrestle, the idea right now is to use him in some form on the show, since he’s still under contract with a seven figure downside so they want to use him in some form to justify the contract.
Bray Wyatt is an intriguing choice to face Undertaker at Levi's Stadium. He's hugely talented and charismatic, but his career has floundered over the past year thanks to some rather inept booking (who thought scripting him to lose to John Cena so much was a good idea?) and dull, predictable promos.
He's certainly not the big deal he once was.

It also seems like people would be more eager to see Undertaker vs. Sting, a bout that would certainly have nostalgic appeal. Undertaker going for revenge on Lesnar and Paul Heyman at WrestleMania 31 is also a tantalizing storyline prospect.

However, at least Wyatt's career would be rejuvenated by any potential match with the legend; it could be the thing that makes him a top star, at long last.

This is something that should not be glossed over, especially at a time whenWWE doesn't have too many young, full-time stars.

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